organised a couple of years ago played both Indian and English
music throughout the year and afforded another source of great
pleasure to patients. Its existence and the maintenance of the
high standard of music are entirely due to the enthusiasm and
perseverance of Sub-Assistant Surgeon Dr. Dhaniraj Choudhury.
The band also played at patients' " games " and theatricals.
A few musical instruments were purchased during the year.

My best thanks are due to all those kind ladies and gentle-
men of Ranchi who often graced the social functions of this
hospital by their presence and I assure them that the patients
very much enjoy their visits on such occasions and often look
forward to it.

(xi) Feasts.—Special feasts were, as usual, given to the
patients on festive occasions, such as Poojah, Holi, Xmas, Id,
etc., and were greatly appreciated. The religious sentiments of
the patients are respected and special facilities are afforded to
Hindu, Muhammadan and Christian patients for due observance
of their respective festivals.

(xii) Picnics.—During the fine weather large number
of patients picnicked out to the nearest hills, riversides, gardens,
etc., with the hospital concert party. Those outings were very
much enjoyed by them.

(xiii) Parole.—Many dependable patients were granted
full " local " and " Ranchi " paroles. Others were allowed out
both morning and evening for walks with attendants. None of
the patients granted parole abused the privileges, and the number
of patients on parole is increasing every year. The effect on the
health of patients has been striking.

(xiv) Drives.—Patients of both sexes were sent out
regularly by turn throughout the year for motor drives both
morning and evening in the hospital cars.

(xv) Libraries.—(i) Patients' Library.—A few more
Bengali, Hindi, Urdu and Oriya books were purchased during
the year under report according to the budget grant for the year.

Many literate patients made good use of this library.

The following newspapers and monthly magazines were
supplied free of cost for the patients' library by the kind and
sympathetic publishers to whom my best thanks are due :—

(1)   Statesman.

(2)  Amrita Bazar Patrika.