(2)  Bacteriophage.—During the year under report dysentery
cases were treated with bacteriophage. The treatment is still
under trial. The phage was very kindly supplied by Captain
C. Pasricha, I.M.S of the School of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, Calcutta, for experimental purposes.

(3)  Epilepsy and Snake Venene.— During the year under
review, we experimented on 2 epileptic patients with intra-
muscular injections of detoxicated venene from South Africa.
This venene has a reputation for curing early as well as late
cases of epilepsy and is specially prepared in South Africa, where
they maintain a large snake farm for the purpose. The venene
is expensive, a full course of treatment for one person cost Rs. 40
and the cost of two such courses was defrayed by a charitably
disposed father of a well-to-do epileptic paying patient of this
hospital to whom my best thanks are due for this gift. The
results of our experiment will be fully stated in our next report
as the treatment is still under trial.

(1) Organotherapy.—Many patients were treated with
different glandular compounds during the year under review with
indifferent results.

Anæmic patients were fed throughout the year under review
on whole liver therapy with marked improvement. Raw liver
from ½ pound to 1 pound per day per patient was prescribed over
a period of 6 months or more in highly anæmic cases with
encouraging results. The minced raw liver is generally mixed
with cooked food such as curries and is relished and digested by
the patients.

(v) Physiotherapy.—(1) During the year under report
physiotherapy was carried out as actively as before. The
following number of specimens were examined by the hospital
laboratory during the year :—

Blood ... ... ... ...


Urine ... ... ... ...


Stool ... ... ... ...


(2) Syphilis.—During the year under report 158 blood
specimens were sent to the Prince of Wales' Medical College,
Patna, for Wasserman test, of which 18 cases were positive and
they were given anti-syphilitic treatment.

(3) Teeth.—During the year few paying patients requiring
attention to their teeth were treated by the local dentist on
payment of fees by their relatives. Necessary extraction of