The scheme for the matron and nurses, quarters, although
administratively approved and considered as important, could not
be taken up during the year owing to financial stringency.

(ii) Training of medical, nursing and attendant staff.
The medical and nursing staff of this hospital are allowed to
attend by turn a full course of training with clinical demons-
trations in psychological medicine which is given practically
twice a year to the students of the .Patna Medical College at
Ranchi. These courses permit the staff to acquire a knowledge
of the elementary principles in psychological medicine which
helps them considerably in their work.

Similarly classes in first aid and elementary mental
nursing are also held every year by the Senior Sub-Assistant
Surgeon for the benefit of the new recruits of the attendant
staff of the hospital.

The general health of the staff was good throughout the year
under report.

35.   Commendation.—I wish to express my sincere apprecia-
tion to all staff for their loyalty and co-operation throughout the
year under report.

36.   The Committee of Visitors.—Both ladies and gentlemen
of the Board of Visitors took a keen interest in the welfare of the
institution and worked throughout the year under review with
commendable zeal.

My proposal of increasing the member of lady visitors from
6 to 12 was sanctioned by Government and six ladies including
one lady doctor were accordingly appointed during the year
under review.

37.  Managing Committee.—Two meetings of the managing
committee were held during the year under report.

38.  Donation Fund.—My thanks are due to all the kind-
hearted ladies and gentlemen who contributed small sums to the
donation fund of this hospital. My warmest thanks are also
extended to the following gentlemen for their respective contri-
bution during the year under report: —



The Raja of Keoujhar



The Hon'ble Raja Raghunandan Prashad Shigh
of Monghyr.



Sir R. N. Mukkerji, Kt., K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O. ...