A great deal of what heretofore has been regarded as here-
ditary predisposition is now regarded by the psycho-analysts as
" quite possibly individual " and due to causes which almost
are preventible. In a certain sense a large number, if not all
of the psychoses, can be considered as life reactions. That is,
a defect of adjustment only develops upon the basis of some
weak point in the personality make up and that weak point can
be traced to its developmental beginnings in the early life.
The presence of unconscious complexes cause reactions such as
anxiety and obsessional neurosis, hysteria, etc., which seem to
be constitutional only because the real causes are buried from

22. Paying patients.—The following table shows the
number of patients treated in the hospital:—





1932 ...




1931 ...




1930 ...




Owing to financial stringency the construction of paying
patients' blocks by Government could not be taken up and
this class of patients as in the previous years was treated in
a dormitory specially reserved for this purpose in one of the
hospital blocks. This makeshift arrangement to house the
paying patients being limited, several applications from this
class of patients for admission had to be refused. It is a regret-
table fact that in a vast country like India there is not a single
private mental nursing home or hospital of repute where this
class of patients can seek admission.

In all civilized countries in the West the States provide
limited accommodation for their mentally afflicted population
and the rest of the demand is supplemented by the local bodies,
such as the corporations, municipalities and various charity
organizations whether communal or otherwise. Although
there is no dearth of private mental nursing homes and hospitals
in the Western countries as in India yet the corporations
and municipalities run their own mental hospitals, homes,
mental clinics and child guidance clinics. Moreover, the
majority of the municipalities launch a complete mental hygiene
programme for the benefit of their rate-payers and carry it out
to its fullest extent.

Modern civilization and mental strain.—We live in an age
dominated by machinery and this has increased the speed at
which we work and play and carry on many other activities to