I belong to this school of thought and did my best to provide
as many and as varied amusements for the patients as funds
could permit. Approximately 200 patients attend daily the
temporary Amusement Hall of both sections and play various
indoor games. As heretofore the Hospital Band continued to
entertain the patients in the Amusement Hall, and the Gramo-
phones in the Wards for the amusement of those patients who
were unable to attend the Amusement Halls. During the
triennium, many Foot-ball and Hockey matches were played
with outside teams of Kanke and Ranchi and the hospital team
won many such matches. The annual sports of the hospital
were held every year during the Christmas week and many
patients of both sexes took part in it and carried away many
prizes. On New Year's eve we arrange a display of Fireworks
every year which the patients look forward to and enjoy

During the period under report the hospital staff staged 17
Theatrical shows, and 6 Vaudeville shows were staged by the
combined effort of patients and staff. Moreover when any
Theatrical, Magic and variety show of repute visit Ranchi we
always try to engage them for the patients. The following were
engaged to entertain the patients :—

9 Magic shows by well-known Magicians.
7 Vaudeville shows.
2  Comic Caricatures,
3  Theatrical shows by the famous Corinthian Theatrical
Company of Calcutta.
2 Jatra performances by the well-known Sricharan
Bhandari Opera Company of Calcutta.

I owe a deep debt of gratitude to all those kind-hearted ladies
and gentlemen who often graced the Socials of this hospital by
their presence, and also to all the staff for their noble endeavour
to make the lives of my unfortunate patients more pleasant by
staging various performances from time to time.

Cinema.—I am happy to be able to record that the Govern-
ment on the recommendation of the Managing Committee sanc-
tioned the purchase of a Cinema machine at a cost of
Rs. 2,120-5-6. The machine was purchased from Messrs. Pathe
India, Bombay, and the Cinema gave its first performance on the
29th March 1933.