(iii) Health of staff.—During the period under report the
incidence of sickness among the staff was on the increase.
Malaria was responsible for this increase and influenza during
the time it broke out in a mild epidemic form, Sporadic cases of
small-pox and chicken-pox were detected among the staff's
children and were adequately dealt with and the spread of
infection was checked by taking stringent sanitary measures.
Some of the staff on their own request were treated in the
hospital either as in or out-patients.

34.   Commendation.—I am glad to be able to record that
the conduct and the work of the staff on the whole has been
satisfactory and I owe a deep debt of gratitude to all of them for
their loyalty and co-operation.

35.   Committee of visitors.— Both ladies and gentlemen of
the Board of Visitors took a keen interest in the welfare of this
hospital and worked throughout the triennium with unremitting

During the period under report, the number of lady
visitors were increased by the Government from 6 to 12 and 6
ladies including one Lady Doctor were accordingly appointed.

To every member of the Board of Visitors, I tender, on
behalf of the hospital, my best thanks for their help, sympathy
and advice.

36.  Managing Committee.—Six meetings of the Managing
Committee were held during the period and the Committee
advised the Government on various important matters.

37.  The hospital was visited by the following during the
period under review, the majority of whom have recorded their
appreciation of the work of the Institution in the visitors'
book :—

(1)  The Hon'ble Sir J. D. Sifton, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., I.C.S., as
Member of the Executive Council, Bihar and Orissa.

(2)   The Commissioner, Chota Nagpur, Ranchi.

(3)  The Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Bihar and

(4)  The Inspector-General of Prisons, Bengal.

(5)  The Inspector-General of Prisons, Bihar and Orissa.

(6)  The members of the Managing Committee.