Occupational therapy was, however, as usual the principal form
of treatment adopted and the work done in this department
varied from hard manual labour involved in smithy, carpentry
and gardening to fine arts of weaving, lace-making, knitting
and embroidery work. The institution was also well provided
with sports and amusements including a band and a cinema of
its own and it is pleasant to find that the Superintendent and the
staff spared no pains to keep the patients happy—a factor of
great importance in the treatment of mental disorders. Govern-
ment also note with interest that during the period under
review experiment was carried on in the treatment of mental
disorders with sulphur injections.

4. The total receipts of the hospital from all sources amounted
in round figures to Rs. 22 in 1930, Rs. 24 in 1931 and Rs. 25 in
1932 against Rs. 14, 18 and 20 during the last triennium. The
increase was due to better realization from paying patients and
larger sale proceeds from surplus of vegetables grown in the
hospital garden and from articles manufactured by patients in
occupational therapy departments. While there was increase in
the income the expenditure on management decreased from
Rs. 5,70 in 1930 and Rs. 5,17 in 1931 to Rs. 4,80 in 1932.
The decrease was mainly due to the general economic depression
which has resulted in fall in the prices of articles purchased by
the hospital and to economy followed in all its departments. For
the same reason the average annual cost per patient has also
steadily decreased.

5. Government are glad to record their sense of appre-
ciation of the valuable assistance rendered throughout by the
Managing Committee. They also wish to express their thanks
to the several distinguished officials and non-officials who visited
the institution and in some cases, have recorded their apprecia-
tion of the work of the institution in the visitors' book and
contributed to the Donation Fund which has afforded considerable
encouragement to those concerned with its management. Thanks
of Government are also due to Major Dhunjibhoy who continued
to administer the institution with considerable energy, confidence
and administrative ability.

             By order of the Government of Bihar and Orissa
                   (Ministry of Local Self-Government),

                                 M. N. SEN,

                Offg. Secretary to Government.