

                                   FOR THE TRIENNIUM 1900-02.

Extract from the proceedings of the Government of Burma, No. 9K.-3, dated the 6th May 1903.


The Report on the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum for the Triennium 1900—02.

RESOLUTION.—The report was due in the Secretariat on the 15th of
March 1903. It was received in proof on the 31st of March,

In accordance with orders issued by the Local Government the statements
attached to the report give figures for triennial periods only. The Lieutenant-
Governor had some doubt as to the intention in regard to the preparation of these
statements and a reference has been made to the Government of India on the
subject. It may be observed that the annual figures cannot apparently be dis-
pensed with by the Director-General of Statistics, and it has been found necessary
to print and distribute annual statements separately.

Accommodation and popula-

2. During the triennium under report there has been a steady increase in
the number of inmates in the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum,
and it has been recognized for some time past that the
present accommodation is inadequate. The site is also open to objection and
there is no room for the erection of further buildings including suitable European
quarters which are urgently required. Proposals for the removal of the asylum
to another site and for the appointment of a whole-time Superintendent are now
under consideration.


3. His Honour is glad to notice an improvement in the proportion of cases
cured as compared with the preceding triennium. The
reduction in the mortality is also satisfactory.

Causes of insanity.

4. The proportion of cases in which an attempt is made to indicate the
cause of insanity shows some improvement on the
figures of former years, but the number in which the
cause is " unknown " is still more than half the total.

5. The rest of the report does not appear to call for special orders. The
audit of accounts has been alluded to in each of the three last Resolutions of the
Local Government and mention of the subject should not have been omitted in
the present report.

                      By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Burma,

                                                                        J. B. WINGATE,
                                                                Secy. to the Govt. of Burma.