Types &
Causes of
Nos. VI
and VII.

11. Mania as a type of insanity furnished nearly 91 per cent. of the admissions
during the year.

Cost of

12. The total up-keep of the asylum aggregated to Rs. 77,810-8-5 or Rs.
182 per head of average strength as against Rs. 197 in 1902.


The expenditure incurred on the maintenance of the institution, exclusive of
book debits, amounted to Rs. 45,106-3-1 or Rs. 2,247-3-2 less than in the previous
year. This apparent reduction in cost is chiefly due to a reduced expenditure on
paddy owing to a large balance in hand from the previous year, which reduced the
charge on diet during the year under report from Rs. 22,476-7-0 to Rs. 18,883-9-9.

No. X.

The expenditure on raw materials was less by Rs. 312-11-4. The debits on
account of manufacture amounted to Rs. 5,221-11-6 and the credits to Rs.
18,605-7-6 or a profit of Rs. 13,383-12-0 compared with Rs. 11,502-10-10 in 1902,
which is a satisfactory feature in the management of the asylum.

Audit Notes.

13. The accounts were audited by the Accountant-General's Department
during the year. No mistakes, discrepancies, or omissions, were brought to notice,
exception alone being taken to certain outstanding bills at date of audit, all of
which have since been adjusted.


14. About 78 per cent. of the patients are engaged on some form of labour
as enumerated in last year's report. Four new looms were added during the year,
making a total of fifteen looms in use. As the work of these machines is quickly
learned they prove useful by affording an interesting and easily acquired occupa-
tion, which not only tends to the mental improvement of the insane but also
assists in the economical working of the institution.

The value of the cloth produced by the looms was Rs. 1,122 yielding a net
profit of Rs. 492-5-0 as against Rs. 431-9-6 in the preceeding year.

From garden produce a sum of Rs. 399-13-3 was realised.

On extra-mural labour the earnings amounted to Rs. 37-9-0.


15. Dairy operations were extended during the year by the purchase of 10
more cows and five calves at a cost of Rs. 1,246. Sixteen calves were born
during the year. Of these 9 were sold and 3 died. The herd now consists of 26
cows, 22 calves and one bull. The profits of the dairy during the year amounted
to Rs. 1,456-15-7.

The sale proceeds of milk realized Rs. 4,412-11-6 as against Rs. 3,063-12-9
in 1902.


16. Fourteen serious but non-fatal casualties, occurred during the year.
Eleven were homicidal, two suicidal, and one accidental. Having regard to the
unruly and turbulent character of many insane patients, casualties of this nature
must unfortunately be regarded to some extent as unavoidable.

No. IX.

17. The staff remained the same as reported upon last year. The question
of revising the establishment has been deferred by the Committee of Visitors until
a whole-time Superintendent has taken charge.

The Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Phillip, is again very favourably reported
on. There can be no question of this officer's practical ability and of the zeal
which he brings to bear in the discharge of his duties.

                                                          C. C. LITTLE, M.D., I.M.S.,
                                              Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Burma.