ON THE

                           LUNATIC ASYLUMS IN BURMA

                                    FOR THE YEAR 1915.

Under the orders conveyed in the Government of India, Home Department
letters No. 327 and No: 333—Medl., dated the 24th April 1915, instructions were
issued regarding (a) the correct method of calculating the percentage of recovery
and death rates on admissions shown in Statement I, (b) the alteration in the
wording of a heading in Statement VI and (c) the classification of observation
cases, and the various statements appended to this Note on Lunatic Asylums
have been prepared in accordance with these instructions.

         Statement I.

2.  Accommodation and Buildings.—During the year under report no change
has been made in the total accommodation provided in the two Asylums of the
Province, which remained at the figure 656 representing space for 566 males and
90 females. The maximum population on any one night was 661 against 599 in
the previous year. The population of the two asylums on the last day of the
year was 641 against 587 in 1914 and the daily average strength has also increased
from 575.78 in 1914 to 623.18 during the year under review. To relieve the
overcrowding in Rangoon, 35 criminal lunatics were transferred to Minbu. The
asylum population continues to show a steady increase and with the lessening of the
mortality, the prospects of overcrowding have become very real. The question
of affording further relief to the Rangoon Asylum has been considered and
definite steps will be taken in this direction should or when necessity actually
presents itself. During the year under report, the plans of the new Lunatic
Asylum buildings were discussed and adopted.

3.   Water-supply.—In Rangoon, the new water-supply by means of an
artesian well was installed during the year. It provides water for all asylum
purposes except gardening, the water for which is supplied from wells. In Minbu,
the Municipal water-supply system worked at an annual cost of Rs. 50-6-0,
continued to be satisfactory. The water-supply in both asylums is reported to be
good and abundant.

         Statement I.

4. Sickness and Mortality.—In Rangoon, the health of civil insanes is found
on admission to be almost invariably very poor, and the majority are fit for
nothing but hospital treatment; while, on the other hand, the majority of criminal
insanes admitted are found to be in good health. During the year under review,
50 deaths occurred among the asylum population of which three were from
observation cases. The percentage of mortality was 9.79 against 7.20 in the
previous year. Tubercular diseases have contributed no less than 19 deaths and
the mortality in the female ward has been exceptionally high this year. This is
attributed to three cases, the patients being of very old age and to the admission
of five patients in a bad state of health, all of whom died within the first three
months of confinement. While the percentage of mortality among civil patients
increased from 7.43 in 1914 to 11.24 in the year under report, the percentage
among criminals has shown a decrease from 6.77 in 1914 to 4.64 in 1915.
But taking into consideration the average civil (13.57 per cent.) and criminal
(8 per cent.) mortality for the last 30 years and the unfavourable conditions
under which the asylum has been working, the results achieved during the year
may be considered satisfactory.

In Minbu, there were three deaths, of which one is accounted for under
tubercular disease. The total percentage of mortality to the daily average
strength of the two asylums rose from 6.08 in 1914 to 8.50 in 1915.

5. Escapes and Injuries.—During the year one insane escaped from the
Rangoon Asylum. This escape was found to be attributable to certain structural