( 2 )

2. Admissions and Discharges:β€”225 (197 males and 28 females)
lunatics, including 16 re-admissions were admitted during the year into
the Rangoon Lunatic Asylum, against 193 (156 males and 37 females) of
the previous year. There were 99 discharges, including one from the
Minbu Lunatic Asylum, of which 59 are described as '' cured," 32 as
'' improved," and 8 as " otherwise." No admissions were made into the
Minbu Lunatic Asylum during the year under report.

The number of criminal lunatics continued to increase, the average
being 399 as compared with 380 in 1921. This increase is largely due
to cases received from Jails under section 30 (1) of the Prisoners Act,

The Superintendent of the Asylum, Rangoon, has brought to notice
that the necessary papers of Criminal lunatics are not sent. promptly by
committing Officers, and that considerable delay was experienced in
obtaining these documents. It is hoped that committing Officers will
recognize the necessity of forwarding the papers on as expeditiously
as possible as it is very important that the Superintendent should be in
possession of all available information in respect of the history and habits
of a patient in order to enable him to adopt a definite course of

3. Sickness and Mortality.β€”The general health of the inmates during
the year has been satisfactory, the daily average of sick falling from
152 in 1921 to 149. The percentage of mortality to average daily
strength fell slightly from 7.74 to 7.29 in 1922. There were 3 deaths in
Minbu Asylum, all being victims to pulmonary Tuberculosis. 63 (45
males, 18 females) died in the Rangoon Asylum against 66 in 1921.
Tuberculosis, as usual, contributed the largest number 19, and Pneu-
monia 9. The increase in the mortality among females is reported to have
been due to advanced age and poor health on admission. The duration
of their stay in the asylum is shown below :β€”

Under six months ... ...


Over six months and under one year ... ...


Over one year and under five years ... ...


Over live years ... ...


Total ...


Of the five deaths within one year of admission, three are said to have
been admitted in a poor, one in fair, and one in good state of health.
Their ages are given as :β€”

Over 60 years ... ...


Between 40 and 50 years ... ...


Between 30 and 40 years ... ...


Between 20 and 30 years ... ...


Total ...


It is satisfactory to note that the death rate of the male population is
lower than the past two years.

No epidemie disease occurred in either of the asylums during the
year. Owing to the prevalance of plague in the town, the inmates of
the Rangoon Asylum were inoculated against plague as a precautionary
measure, and all new admissions were treated with Santonine. Out of
1,991 pathological examinations made of stools, urine, blood, sputum,
etc., anchylostoma ova was detected in 67 cases as against 31 out of
1,596 examinations in 1921.

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