ON THE

                Mental Hospitals in Burma

                                FOR THE YEAR 1926.

1.  This report deals with the working of the Mental Hospital in
Rangoon on the St. John's Road, the occupied portion of the New Mental
Hospital at Tadagale, Rangoon, and the. temporary Mental Hospital at.
Minbu, during 1926.

2.  Buildings.—No changes or alterations were made to the buildings of
the old Mental Hospital in Rangoon during the year. The older wooden
cottages in the Rangoon Mental Hospital remained in the same unsatis-
factory condition as before, and though the wooden cottages and brick
buildings are in fairly good condition, they cannot be considered entirely
satisfactory or sanitary. The male section and other buildings in the
New Hospital, Tadagale, are nearing completion and it is expected that
they will be taken into use in 1927. No additions or alterations were
made to the main or auxiliary buildings at the Minbu Mental Hospital.
There are structural defects in the Minbu buildings which afford facilities
for hiding articles and suicidal hanging.

3.  Accommodation.—The total accommodation at the Mental Hospitals
was 930 (523 males and 272 females in Rangoon and 135 males at
Minbu) ; this includes the accommodation for 160 patients in the
completed female section of the new Mental Hospital at Tadagale, which
is now temporarily used for male patients. Hospital accommodation in
Rangoon is 129 (92 males and 37 females) including separate accommo-
dation of a ward of 8 beds for males and another of 7 beds for females
for T. B. cases and cells in which 12 male and 12 female dysentery cases
are segregated in their respective sections. The hospital accommodation
in Minbu is 3.

4.  Population.—The total population excluding observation cases at
the commencement of the year at the Rangoon Mental Hospital was 810,
Rangoon (526 males and 134 females) and Tadagale 150 (all males)
against 873 at the end of the year. The highest number confined in any
one night at the Rangoon Mental Hospital was 888 (746 males and 142
females) and Tadagale 186 (all males). The total average strength at both
these hospitals was 848.34 (713.08 males and 135.26 females), an increase