
                           ON THE WORKING OF THE

                           Mental Hospitals in Burma

                                    FOR THE YEAR 1927

1.   No change in the existing buildings was made during the year.
The state of the older wooden buildings a noted in last year's report
continues to be unsatisfactory.

The newer wooden cottages and brick buildings are better, but
cannot be regarded as satisfactory.

2.  Accommodation.—The accommodation at the Mental Hospitals
was for 1,821 (males 1,409, females 274) in Rangoon and males 138 at
Minbu. There is accommodation for 275 sick in Rangoon (males 202,
females 73) and this includes eight beds for males and eight for females
for tubercular cases and 24 (12 males and 12 females) cells in which
dysentery patients can be segregated.

At Tadagale, there is a contagious diseases ward which will accom-
modate eight patients. There was nowhere any overcrowding; but
the five cells (brick walled and with cement flooring) for dangerous
and noisy lunatics should be padded.
3.  Population,—The population at St. John's Road Hospital, Rangoon,
at the beginning of the year was 687 (549 males, 138 females).
At Tadagale 186 males were accommodated.
The highest number confined on any single occasion was : Rangoon
624 (486 males, 138 females); Tadagale 324 males ; Minbu 131 males.
The total average at the two Rangoon Hospitals was 922.80 (784.89
males, 137.91 females). At Minbu the average population was 129.75.
During the year, 138 patients were transferred to Tadagale from Rangoon.

4.  Admission.—There were 276 admissions during the year (this
includes 19 re-admissions), 245 males, 31 females.

One hundred and thirty-four patients (113 males, 21 females) were
discharged; of these 88 were reported cured; 33 improved ; 13