
                                            ON THE

                                Mental Hospitals in Burma

                                        For the Year 1931.

The following is a note on the working of the Mental Hospitals at
Tadagale and Minbu for the year 1931 :—

2.   (a) Buildings.—Alterations and minor improvements effected
during the year in the non-residential and residential buildings at
Tadagale are detailed below :—

(1)   Composite plastering to the inner side of the enclosure wall
of the Criminal and able-bodied Section.

(2)   Provision of expanded metal protection in the acute and
chronic blocks of the Civil and Criminal Sections.

(3)  Construction of a meal shed in the Civil Section (nearing

(b) Electrical Installation.—(1) Distribution, including ward lighting.

(2)  Cholera Shed.

(3)  Mortuary.

The Minbu Mental Hospital buildings were in a good state of repair.
Excepting a few repairs, no additions or alterations were made during
the year.

3.  Accommodation,—The accommodation in the two Mental Hospi-
tals remained the same as in the last year viz., 1,189 (1,024 males and 165
females). At Tadagale separate accommodation is provided for Dysen-
tery, and Tubercular and Contagious Diseases. Though some beds
remained vacant in the European Section, Dysentery Wards and Strong
Rooms, there was general overcrowding elsewhere resulting from the
housing of 164 more patients than the normal capacity of the Hospital.
Proposals for the discharge of civil patients, who do not
require institutional care, but who are fit for familial care are under
consideration. At Minbu the accommodation provided viz., for 135
patients is ample there being only 100 patients remaining there at

4.  Population.—At Tadagale the year commenced with a population
of 1,117 inmates (949 males and 168 females) and ended with 1,135
(959 males and 176 females). The daily average number of inmates
was 1,133.90. The highest number confined on any one night was