Statement VIII.

18. The total expenditure for the year of both the institutions was
Rs. 478,068-12-7 (Rs. 496,630-0-2). The total
receipts during the year were Rs. 4,72,591-15-1
(Rs. 4,89,793-3-5). The decrease in both receipts and expenditure
is due to the reduction in the number of inmates in the hospitals. The
average cost per patient was Rs. 295 (Rs. 249) at Tadagale and
Rs. 147-12-3 (Rs. 137-13-5) at Minbu. The increase in the rate at
Tadagale is due to the decrease in the number of patients while the
increase in the rate at Minbu is mainly due to the increased expenditure
under establishment.

19. Conclusion (Staff)—(a) Tadagale.—Major G. H. Fraser, M.B.,
Ch.B. (Edin.), D.P.M. (Eng.), I.M.S., was the Medical Superintendent
throughout the year. Mr. P. R. Chari, Senior Sub-Assistant Surgeon
worked as Deputy Superintendent from the 1st January 1936 to the 6th
April 1936 when Mr. V. Noronha, L.M. & S. (Mad ), on return from
leave, assumed charge.

(b) Minbu.—Dr. T. K. Nayar, L.M. & S. (Bombay), was in
collateral charge of the institution till 15th August 1936 and
Dr. C. S. Krishnaswamy, L.M. & S. (Mad.), took charge on the 16th
August 1936. Mr. E. Sundaresan, Sub-Assistant Surgeon, continued as
Deputy Superintendent till the 20th April 1936 when he proceeded on
leave being relieved by Mr. G. Venkata Rao, L.M.P., and on the expiry
of the leave Mr. E. Sundaresan resumed duty on the afternoon of the
19th December 1936.

The Medical Superintendents of both the institutions and the
staff carried out their duties satisfactorily and my thanks are due to

                                                             I have the honour to be,


                                                        Your most obedient servant,

                                               H. S. CORMACK, Lieul.-Col., I.M.S.,
                                     Offg. Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Burma.