2                            ANNUAL REPORT ON MENTAL HOSPITALS

that hospital for only criminal patients and acute recoverable patients
was strictly adhered to. The number of discharges at Tadagale was
276 (240 males and 36 females) of whom 184 (162 males and 22 females)
were classified as " Cured," 66 (52 males and 14 females) as " Improved"
and 26 as " Discharged otherwise." The percentage of " Cures " to
" Admissions " was 31.12 as against 19.74 in the previous year. The
increase is due to a larger number of recoveries of those affected with
" Mania " and " Schizophrenia including Dementia Præcox."

Health and Mortality.

5. There were 95 deaths (79 males and 16 females) at Tadagale and
5 at Minbu, as compared with a total of 93 in the
previous year. The percentage of deaths to
the daily average population at both institutions was 11.23 as against
10.57. These figures indicate a fair degree of constancy, but they are
high in comparison with those of Mental Hospitals in India owing to
the large percentage of admissions in Burma for " General Paralysis of
the Insane " in which disease the mortality is high. The percentage
of admissions for General Paralysis of the Insane was even higher
than in the previous years. Out of 331 admissions at the Mental
Hospital, Tadagale, 96 were for " General Paralysis of the Insane,"
i.e.) 29 per cent as against 20 per cent in the previous year. Of the
95 deaths at the Mental Hospital, Tadagale. " General Paralysis of the
Insane" accounted for as many as 46. The Medical Superintendent,
Mental Hospital, Tadagale, reports that patients suffering from this
mental disorder were received in an advanced state.

Statement III.

6. Criminal Lunatics.—At Tadagale the number of criminal lunatics
at the beginning of the year was 389 (364 males
and 25 females); admissions and re-admissions
accounted for 69, whilst 66 were discharged (22 to Minbu) and 25
died leaving 367 at the end of the year. The total number of patients
remaining at both institutions at the end of the year was 501 as against
505 in the previous year.

Statement IV.

7. The admissions into the two Mental Hospitals during the year
showed little or no change in respect of the
different religions. Hindus accounted for 56
(15.8 per cent), Mohamedans 25 (7.1 per cent) ; Christians 29 (8.2 per
cent) ; Burmans 218 (61.6 per cent) ; " Other Castes " 26 (7.3 per cent).
In regard to residence of patients admitted, Rangoon, as usual,
accounted for the largest number—viz. 133 (40 per cent).

Statement V.

8. The ages of patients admitted to the Mental Hospitals in Burma
is shown in Statement V. As usual, those
between the ages of 20 and 40 accounted for
a preponderating number. There were 235 (66.4 per cent) admissions
of those between the ages referred to above Those between the ages
of 40 and 60 claim the next highest number, viz. 87 or 24.6 per cent.