4                            ANNUAL REPORT ON MENTAL HOSPITALS

Statement VIII.

12. Finance.—The total receipts for the year at both the institutions
was Rs. 3,98,801-2-10 (Rs. 4,18,082-5-6), of
which sum Rs. 90,519-3-0 (Rs. 1,09,436-6-6)
was received in respect of the Mental Hospital, Tadagale, on account
of " Maintenance Charges of Pauper Patients" and Rs. 20,956-7-0
(Rs. 20,709-12-6) on account of " Maintenance Charges of Non-Pauper
Patients. " The decrease in the receipts under " Maintenance Charges
of Pauper Patients " is due to a lesser number of pauper patients, while
the increase of Rs. 246-10-6 under "Maintenance Charges of Non-
Pauper Patients " is due to the increase in the number of voluntary

The total Expenditure at both the institutions was Rs. 2,88,260-11-0
(Rs. 2,98,027-5-6). The total expenditure for the Mental Hospital,
Tadagale during the year 1939 was Rs. 2,66,641-0-9 (Rs. 2,76,573-8-6).
The total expenditure at the Mental Hospital, Minbu for the same
period was Rs. 21,619-10-3 (Rs. 21,453-13-0). The average cost per
patient for the year was Rs. 342 (Rs. 363) in respect of the Mental
Hospital, Tadagale and Rs. 180 (Rs. 182) in respect of Minbu.

The cost of diet at the Mental Hospital, Tadagale was approximately
Re. 0-2-3 per day while at the Mental Hospital, Minbu the cost was
Re. 0-1-11 per day approximately.

13. Miscellaneous—(a) Sanitation, Conservancy and Water Supply.
The arrangements for sanitation and conservancy were the same at
both the institutions as in previous years and they proved to be

(b)  Water Supply—(1) Mental Hospital, Tadagale.—The total
consumption of potable water for drinking and ordinary hospital
requirements (excluding separate garden water supply) during the year
was 20,882,800 (20,442,600) gallons -costing Rs. 10,771-4-0
(Rs. 10,996-3-0). Of the above mentioned quantity 17,279,180
(17,506,270) were obtained from the Corporation Main at Re. 0-8-0 per
1,000 gallons, while 3,603,620 (2,936,330) gallons were pumped out
from the Hospital tube wells.

(2) Minbu.—The water supply continued to be under Municipal
control. Both the quantity and quality of the water were satisfactory.

(c)  Garden and Dairy :—(1) Mental Hospital, Tadagale.—The
Hospital vegetable garden and farm continued to be maintained during
the year producing many varieties of vegetables and fruits also sugar
cane and guinea grass, etc.

The total produce of the year amounted to Rs. 8,771-3-6
(Rs. 6,036-15-10) showing an increase of Rs. 2,734-3-8 over the
preceding year. The hospital dairy was maintained as usual. The
milk obtained therefrom was valued at Rs. 6,812-9-11 (Rs. 6,474-10-3)
showing a small increase of Rs. 337-15-8 over the preceding year.