IN BURMA FOR THE YEAR 1939.                                    5

(2) Mental Hospital, Minbu.—The vegetable garden in this
hospital continued to produce a fair quantity of vegetables, the value
in 1939 being Rs. 985-14-9 as against Rs. 1,042-11-6.
There is no dairy at the Mental Hospital, Minbu.

(d) Escapes, Accidents and Suicides.—There were no escapes or
suicides but one criminal patient at the Mental Hospital, Tadagale
while he was working with a group of patients, went to the bath room,
where he fell down and died within a few minutes. The post mortem
examination revealed extensive celeberal haemorrhage.

14. Conclusion.—The Office of the Medical Superintendent Mental
Hospital, Tadagale was held by Major R. M. Lloyd Still, I.M.S.,
from the 1st January 1939 to the 4th June 1939, Lieutenant-Colonel
G. H. Fraser, I.M.S., on return from leave, relieved him and was the
Medical Superintendent from the 5th June 1939 till the end of the year.
Mr. V. Noronha, L.M.S., was Deputy Medical Superintendent from
the 1st January 1939 to the 28th February 1939. Mr. W. Chit Tun, B.Sc.,
M.B., on transfer to this hospital, took over charge as Deputy Medical
Superintendent from the 1st March 1939 and held this post till the end
of the year.

Dr. C. S. Krishnaswamy was the Superintendent of the Mental
Hospital, Minbu, from 1st January 1939 to 16th October 1939, when he
was transferred to Tharrawaddy and relieved by Dr. E. K. Menon who
remained till he was transferred to Magwe and was relieved by
Dr. Grewal on 20th December 1939. Dr. Grewal remained in charge
till the end of the year. Dr. Hla Pe was Deputy Superintendent
throughout the year.

To the above officers and to the staffs of both these institutions
acknowledgment is due for the satisfactory manner in which they
carried out their duties.

                                        I have the honour to be,


                                   Your most obedient servant,

                    R. H. CANDY, Colonel, I.M.S., C.I.E .,
               Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Burma.