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petitions from the merchants begging him not to vaccinate there. I requested
him to frequently talk to them about it, and if possible get them to consent to
its being done.

Dr. Caylcy's success in Ladak.

Dr. Cayley has informed the Government of the success he ultimately
met with, which was very great.

Rajah of "Mundi" entertains

The Rajah of "Mundi" has entertained two vac-
cinators for work in his territory.

"Inoculation" of heifers

15. On several occasions I wished to inoculate heifers with Small Pox
matter, the Hindus, however, always objected to its being
done and I did not attempt to press it on them. Dr.s Bellew and Johnson of
Peshawur and Murdan, found that the people of those parts did not in the least
object to it, and they performed many operations, but unfortunately without
success. My object was to see if the vaccine matter so obtained was superior to
that received from England, and if so to renew it from time to time in the same
manner as that now done in several countries of Europe.

No supplies of vaccine receiv-
ed from England.

16. No vaccine was received from England this year. It is a safe pre-
caution for some to be suppied yearly, and I beg that
an application for an annual supply may be made. The
latter part of September is the best time for it to reach the Punjab.


The number of vaccinations performed in some districts is considerably
larger than those of the previous year, on the other hand there is a marked
falling off in several districts. The total of the operations performed is 64,892.

The per-centage of successful cases is 72.96.

BUNNU.—In the Bunnu district there is an increase of 1,408. The num-
ber of successful cases in 1868, exceeded, by 109, the total of operations in 1 867.
In this latter year (1867) operations were, however, discontinued for a time on
account of the prevalence of cholera.

Dr. Ross, the Civil Surgeon, has been at great pains to induce the peo-
ple to be vaccinated. He managed to procure the assistance of an "Inocula-
tor" and states that his services were most useful. Dr. Ross believes that
"Inoculation" is now rarely practised in the district, and then only by the
Wazeerees. An extra vaccinator has been appointed to this district.

The conduct of vaccinator Gholam Mahoideen is much praised : Dr. Ross
says "he is a good hard working man and I have never found him to deceive."

DERA GAZEE KHAN:—In this district there is an increase of 186 opera-

DERA ISMAEL KHAN.—In the Dera Ismael Khan district there is an in-
crease of 1,235 operations. Dr. Courtney, the Civil Surgeon, has always taken
much interest in vaccination.

FEROZEPORE.—In. this district there is a decrease of 1,186 operations.
During part of the year the vaccinators were paid from Local Funds.