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"Usud Ali" Naib Tehseeldar of Sealkote, "Joahir Lall" Tehseeldar of
Pusroor in the Sealkote district, and "Radha Kishn" Tehseeldar of Jugroan in
the Loodiana district, all of these by their examples and exertions gave excel-
lent assistance to the vaccinators.

Dr. Ross, Civil Surgeon of Bunnu, and Dr. Courtney, Civil Surgeon of
Dera Ismael Khan, have always taken great interest in vaccination.

Dr. Ross praised highly the services of vaccinator "Gholam Mahoideen,"
and I trust that a reward may be given to him.

Appended to this report are Returns shewing the numbers vaccinated
during the year.

                                            A. M. GARDEN,
                        Superintendent General of Vaccination.