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Small-pox in the Sealkote

In the Syalkot district, small-pox has been prevalent for years, and
during this year was epidemic. Major Mercer, the De-
puty Commissioner, urgently requested me to visit the
district with my establishment.

Precautions taken to pre-
vent its spreading.

Extra vaccinators enter-

Their operations not suc-

Assistance given by the

I was then in the Rawulpindi district, where small-pox had appeared
in several places, and was unable to comply with his
request Major Mercer took all precautions possible to
prevent the spread of the disease, and was to a great
extent successful. He also entertained extra vaccina-
tors and used every endeavour to get the people vaccinated. A very large

number were vaccinated, but unfortunately with but
little success. It was the old story of want of European
superintendence. In the latter part of the year I sent a Native Superintendent
and some vaccinators into the district. Their work was confined chiefly to
the town of Syalkot and surrounding villages. They worked well and
successfully and succeeded in gaining the confidence of the people. The
Sub-Assistant Surgeon, B. M. Mitter, took great pains to explain vaccination
to the people. He sent me a very good report on the origin and spread of
small-pox in the district, and of the measures taken to check its progress, and
also pointed out the reason for the want of success in the operations pre-
formed early in the year. He deserves commendation for his exertions.

The head of the Hukeem system of this district, Hu-
keem "Bora," was of much assistance to my Native
Superintendent. The Hukeems of this district appear willing to assist in the
work of vaccination. Honorary Magistrates Boodh Sing and Radha Kishen
also exerted themselves, and with their assistance a considerable part of the
city was vaccinated.

Vaccinations difficult in
Military Cantonments.

14. Great difficulty is always found in vaccinating the people in the
bazars, &c., in Military Cantonments, and I think that
Government should be moved to order that all people

residing in Cantonments should, if unprotected, be vaccinated, or be liable to

be turned out in the event of small-pox appearing.

This plan has been found to answer well with private servants. There
were several cases of small-pox in the Cantonments in Syalkot, and one officer
contracted the disease.

Proposes that candidates
for Government employ
should be vaccinated.

Dr. Pearson, the Superintendent-General of Vaccination, North-
Western Provinces, proposed that Government should
exact from all future candidates for Government employ
a certificate of having been successfully vaccinated (in the absence of hav-
ing had natural or inoculated small-pox ) as a necessary condition cf their
being entertained. The Lieutenant-Governor approved of the recommenda-
tion, and directed that orders to that effect should be issued. I think that
this should also be done in the Punjab.

Five more Dispensaries
supplied with vaccinators
from Punjab Vaccine De-

15. This year five more Dispensaries ( making
in all thirteen) have been supplied with vaccinators
from the Punjab Vaccine Establishment.

16. Numerical returns of the operations performed at Dispensaries
are appended.