Annual Report on Vaccine operations in the Punjab for the year 1869,


                    A. M. GARDEN, ESQUIRE, M. D.,

                                   SUPERINTENDENT GENERAL OF VACCINATION, PUNJAB.


                    T. H. THORNTON, ESQUIRE,

                                   SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT, PUNJAB.


I have the honor to submit for the information of His Honor the Lieutenant
Governor, my Report on Vaccine Operations in the Punjab, for the year 1869.

Numbers vaccinated by Provincial Establishment.—The numbers vaccinated during the
year by the Punjab Vaccine Establishment are 180,368, being an increase of 11,398
upon the work of the preceding year.

Percentage of successful cases.—The number of successful cases is 169,537, or 96.04
per cent, omitting cases re-vaccinated and unknown.

Cost of Establishment and of each successful case.—The cost of the Punjab Vaccine
Establishment for the year is Rs, 48,095-6-5 ; each successful case therefore cost 4 annas,
six pie, and a fraction.

Numbers Vaccinated by Dispensary Establishments.—The numbers vaccinated by the
Dispensary Establishments are 73,597, being an increase of 8,705 upon the work of the
preceding year.

Percentage of successful cases.Cost of Dispensary Establishments, and of each successful
—The number of successful cases is 48,970; the cost of the Dispensary Estab-
lishments is Rs. 5,526-1-5; each successful case cost 1 anna, 9 pie, and a fraction.

2. Districts visited by Provincial Establishment.—The districts visited by the Provincial
Establishment are Gujranwalla, Goordaspoor, and Jullundur.

Gujranwalla.—Gujranwalla was visited first. Mr. Brandreth, who was then Deputy
Commissioner, interested himself much in the work, making frequent enquiries as to how it
proceeded, &c.

Wuzeerabad.—In Wuzeerabad, and in some of the large villages near to it, there
was much opposition met with, and the work was not satisfactory there. For instance,
in " Sodera," a town of about 1500 houses, only 300 children were vaccinated ; the
Municipal Committee having given very inadequate assistance. In this town "Sodera,"
in "Wuzeerabad," and in other towns about here, small pox had committed great

Inoculation for Small Pox practised.—I saw in these parts many children who,
lately, and formerly had been inoculated for small pox, which may probably account
for the disease having been so violent. The inoculators were said to have come at
different times from the Goojrat district.

Hafizabad.—In the "Hafizabad" Tehseel, "Arjmund," the Tehseeldar, shewed much
tact in his manner of dealing with the people, and work was carried on there exceed-
ing well,—I beg to bring his name to the favorable notice of this Honor the Lieu-
tenant Governor. In the town of Gujranwalla, as well as in the other parts of this