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Tehseel, work went on very well. Some of the zaildars of this District gave very good
assistance to the vaccinators. Gholam Kadur, zaildar of Wuzeerabad, helped them
from the first, and was the only one of that part who did so; Meer Fuzl, zaildar of
Behuk, was also of much use to them. Mr. R. Bose, Sub Assistant Surgeon, had carried
on vaccination very satisfactorily in and about the town of Gujranwalla.

3.   Gurdaspoor.—Operations in the Gurdaspoor District were conducted by Dr.
I. Newton, who also worked in the Kangra District and in Kúlú, during the hot months
of the year. I append his report, merely saying that, in the Gurdaspoor District he
found the people nearly everywhere greatly opposed to vaccination; that he was very
active in his endeavours to overcome it, never sparing himself; and that his services in
the Department have proved most useful. I consider that the large increase in the
numbers vaccinated is, in a great measure, due to his exertions.

4.   Jullundur.—In Jullundur small pox had prevailed during the entire year. When
I visited it in November, fever was very prevalent in most parts, and work was necessar-
ily carried on very slowly; this was much to be regretted, as the weather was most
favorable for vaccine operations. Mr. L. Saunders assisted me very much by drawing
out a plan for vaccinating the District, and by calling upon the District officials to render
help to the vaccinators.

Operations in the city of Jullundur.—He also spoke to the members of the Muni-
cipal Committee of the city of Jullundur, strongly urging them to assist in having, if
possible, all the children in the city vaccinated.

Assistance given by the Municipal Committee.—-The members of the Committee gave
good assistance, and a plan was formed which answered admirably. The city was divi-
ded into so many portions as there were members of the Committee, and one portion
was made over to each, who, with a certain number of vaccinators accompanying him
went to every house, urging the people to bring their children to be vaccinated. Syad
Hadee Hussein Khán, Extra Assistant Commissioner, went with me daily into the city
to see how the work was going on, and explained over and over again the object of vaccination.
This plan of course took up much time, but eventually every house was visited, and
the people as a rule brought forward their children to be vaccinated, and expressed
their satisfaction at the manner in which the work was done. Solukun Mull, one of
the members of the Committee, was the first to offer his services, and more children
were vaccinated through him, viz: 278, than through any other member. Pundit Ram
Ditta, through whom 154 children were vaccinated, gave the next best help ; all the
members deserve praise, and Solukun Mull most. I must not omit to mention that in
the last cold weather Dr. Warburton, the Civil Surgeon, vaccinated about 700 children
in the city, and all with his own hands. It was through Solukun Mull's aid that
Dr. Warburton was so successful.

5.   Municipal Committees should be desired to assist in all large towns.—I have purposely
dwelt on the manner in which the city of Jullundur was vaccinated, because it shows that
when the members of a Municipal Committee exert themselves, there is comparatively little
trouble in overcoming the objections of the people, and I would strongly urge that the Com-
mittees in all the large towns be reminded that Government expects them to assist. The
assistance given must, however, be on a regular plan, and that adopted in Jullundur appears
a really good one ; making over vaccinators to a Committee as a body is useless, nothing is
done, but where the amount of assistance given by each member (individually), is shown, I
believe they would all help.

Phillour Tehseel.—When at work in the city of Jullundur, small pox appeared in the
Phillour Tehseel, and several people brought their children from the infected places, in some
instances a distance of over twenty miles to be vaccinated, saying—they did so, as they saw
that those formerly vaccinated (in January 1866) escaped the disease. The Tehseeldar of