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Umballa district.
Burkut Ali, Tehsildar of Jugadhri.

and found it had been well done. " Burkut
Ali," Tehseeldar of Jugadhri, formerly, and also
now, interested himself much in vaccination. I
beg to bring his name especially to the notice
of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor.


Assistance readily given by the

5.—From Umballa I went to Nahun, the residence of the Raja of Sir-
moor. His Highness at once assisted me in
every possible way. He requested me to vac-
cinate his second son, and gave me a letter to
the Rajah of Keuntul, in which he said he
wished his eldest son, now living in Keuntul, to be vaccinated by me. The
Keuntul Rajah is much opposed to vaccination, and will not allow the peo-
ple of his own house to be vaccinated. I trust he will not put any obstacle
in the way, and so prevent the Sirmoor Rajah's child being vaccinated.*

Sirmoor Rajah's confidence in vac-

On every occasion of vaccinators being sent into the Sirmoor territory,

the Rajah has assisted them. He has shewn
his confidence in vaccination, as evinced by his
having his own children operated on, I hope
therefore that His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor will see fit to convey to
the Rajah an expression of his satisfaction of the excellent example he sets
his people. He is a very intelligent young man, and appears intent on do-
ing all in his power for the good of his people.

Numbers vaccinated by Provincial
Establishment and cost, &c, of ope-

6.—The numbers vaccinated by the Provincial Establishment during

the period under review are 103,632, of which
97,868, or (deducting re-vaccinated and un-
known) 96.71 per cent, were successful. The
cost of the Establishment for the same time was
Rs. 12,733-1-9, each successful case therefore cost annas 2, and nearly 1 pie,

Numbers vaccinated by Dispen-
sary Establishment and cost, &c., of

The numbers vaccinated by the Dispensary Establishments are 43,898

of which, with deductions as above, 74.3 per
cent. were successful, there having been 30,188
successful cases. The cost of the Dispensary

Establishments was 1,489-9-7, and each successful case cost rather more than

9 pie.

Operations in Independent States,

7.—Full returns have not been received of the work performed by vac-
cinators in Independent States, or by those em-
ployed by municipalities. A Statement is
given of these that have been received.

Inoculation of heifers at the Hissar
Cattle Farm.

Proposal that some heifers should
be inoculated every year.

8.—The attempt (mentioned in last report) made to inoculate heifers at

the Hissar Cattle Farm was in a measure suc-
cessful. Mr. Cooper, in medical charge at
Hissar conducted the operations. Several ani-
mals were inoculated, genuine pustules were produced, but on account of
the wildness and unruly state of the young animals, it was found impossible
to collect the vaccine. A very small portion of a vesicle, looking like a dri-
ed-up piece of skin, and very thin, was sent me. I used it, and a small ve-
sicle was produced. Although true success has not followed the experiment
sufficient has been done to shew that with care and a proper selection of
animals to be seperated on, success can be achieved. I would propose that

a few months before the vaccination season in
the plains commences, several heifers be selected
and kept apart from others in a stable, for the
purpose of being operated on in October of each year. If they are stabled
in July, they will, I presume, be tractable in October. The medical officer,

* Since this was written, the Keuntal Raja has objected to having any of his own family vaccinated, and
also will not allow the Sirmoor Raja's son to be vaccinated.