[ 3 ]

he still refused to allow either of them to be vaccinated and also
declined to have vaccination performed in his state. Shortly after
this, the Rajah of Keonthal visited Simla and there promised Dr.
Garden that the two children should be vaccinated early in October,
saying positively nothing should interfere with this, but in October
Dr. Garden says he again refused and also to allow any in his own
house to be vaccinated. The proximity of this state to Simla ren-
ders it most desirable that it should be properly vaccinated. As
long as the Keonthal Raja objects to have his own children vac-
cinated, there is little doubt it is because he prefers inoculation, and
until his own son is vaccinated he will not give proper assistance to
have the people in his state vaccinated.

Vaccination is now carried on in all the other hill states with
approval and assistance of the several Rajahs, &c.

Small pox in Komar-


7. In May a report came from the district of Komarsen, 40
miles East of Simla, that small pox was raging there; vaccinators
were at once despatched and Dr. Garden followed them shortly
after. On enquiry from the villagers it was found that about
twenty men and women, including three young men, and no children
had small pox, the disease having been brought from near Roopur
in the Umballa district by a man who had attended a fair there,
on visiting the Rana this statement was confirmed by him.

This is I think a fair triumph for vaccination, as the children
escaping, must have been well protected.

The villagers of the infected places were not allowed any
communication with the others and vaccinations were performed
all round and the disease speedily stopped.

Vaccination perform-
ed in Kotkhae.

8. In this month vaccination was also carried on in Kote-

Small pox Hospital
in Simla.

9. Dr. Garden states that he visited the Small Pox Hospital in
Simla, and found it in a wretched condition. On this subject Dr.
Garden addressed a letter to the Civil Surgeon, suggesting this should
be brought to the notice of the Municipal Committee and recom-
mending that the rooms, bedding and charpoys should be cleansed
and fumigated on the recovery or death of the patient, and the
blankets kept under lock and key.

The Civil Surgeon informs me that most of these suggestions
have been carried out.

Difficulty in the
Simla Bazar.

Operations during
the hot season under
the Superintendent.

11. Vaccine operations were carried on under me, during the
period I was Superintendent Vaccination (1st April to 19th Octo-
ber) in the Hazara hills and in Murree and the surrounding hills.

I only experienced difficulty in Abbottabad and the villages
immediately surrounding it, and this was owing to inoculators of
some repute residing in one of the larger villages. As soon as I left
this neighbourhood and consequently the influence of these inocu-

10. Much difficulty has always been experienced in vaccina
ting the Bazars in Simla. In the report for 1869, Dr. Garden states
"as small pox invariably appears there (in the bazars) yearly among"
"the people who come from the plains—some special measures are"
"required for its enforcement." A circular having been received
from the Secretary to Government by the Depnty Commissioner,
the Municipal Commissioners resolved at a general meeting held
on 29th June 1S70, that all assistance in their power should be
rendered in the cause of vaccination.

I am glad to be able to report that the difficulties were less
this year in consequence.