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Number vaccinated.
Hindúr or Nalagurh

36. The Hindur (Nalaghur) State which joins the N. E. border
of the Rooper Pergunnah, was next visited, the work being first
performed in the plains and then in the upper portion or lower

Assistance rendered
by the Rajah—His
Son vaccinated.

The Raja of Nalagurh received me very cordially and rendered
me every assistance, the work was carried on most satisfactorily, and
at the express wish of the Raja I vaccinated his son, aged five

Total number vacci-

The estimated population of this state is 49,678 and the total
number of persons vaccinated is 8292, being 16.69 per cent. of the
total population.

I trust that his Honor the Lieutenant Governor will kindly
address a letter of commendation to the Rajah for setting so good
an example and taking such a warm interest in vaccination. I ask
this more specially as when Dr. Garden visited this state in 1866,
the Rajah evidently showed mistrust in vaccination, as he refused
to have his own son vaccinated and gave very little assistance to
the Establishment.

Signs of Inoculation
being generally prac-

37. Throughout this state I saw signs that inoculation had
been generally practised, not very long ago, though I was informed
that it had been discontinued since the Provincial Establishment's
visit in 1866. At every inspection at which I was present, I saw
a great number of children as well as grown up persons who had
been inoculated, the place chosen for inoculation is the wrist at the
outer base of the thumb, in girls always on the left and boys on the
right hand, usually a considerable scar being visible.

Willingness of the
people to be vacci-

The people of this state came most willingly to be vaccinated;
I was struck on several occasions when there were large gatherings
of people waiting to be vaccinated, with their eagerness to have
the operation performed and their general joviality, grown up men
and women came to me and said they wished to be vaccinated, that
they had been inoculated, but it was unsuccessful.

About one-seventh of the operations performed in this state
were of this kind and are returned as re-vaccinations.

On making enquiries I found that it had been the custom for
the inoculators to obtain the orders of the Rajah and then the ope-
ration was generally performed throughout the state, and the month
of March was the usual time for the performance of this operation.

Opinion of the people
regarding the ad-
vantages of vacci-
nation over inocu-

I took every opportunity of pointing out to the people the ad-
vantages vaccination had over inocculation and sometimes asked the
head-man of a village his opinion on this, they told me vaccination
was much preferable because it does not cause the pain that inocu-
lation does, and that it always "took" whereas inoculation only
occasionally took, of course "took" meant any modification of the
vaccine disease, having of course no discriminating power as to the
true vaccine vesicle. And certainly this statement was to a great
extent true, for on inspecting several hundreds of persons of all
ages, ⅔ of whom had been inoculated, I was surprised to see in a
considerable number the true vesicle produced, and in almost all
a doubtful or modified eruption.

The rarity of a badly
marked person from
Small Pox.

It was impossible to escape remarking the number of persons
in these gatherings who were scarcely if at all, marked with small
pox; it was rare to see a man or woman badly marked, this must be
attributed to inoculation, as no doubt the disease is of a much mil-
der character, than when occurring spontaneously ; and when carried
out systematically and compulsorily throughout a state like this,
it is no doubt of great advantage to the people of that state, in the