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to understand and appreciate. On the whole I consider this Tehseel to
be very fairly protected from small pox.

Number vaccinated
in Chunian sub-

Number vaccinated
in the Town of Chu-

10. Chunian Tehseel. On the 23rd January I passed over from
Shurruckpore to the Chunian district, where the greater portion of the
establishment had been at work for several days. This Tehseel contains a
population of 167,457. (Tehseeldar's Return); and the total number of
vaccinations was 7272, of which about 96 per cent were successful. In the
town of Chunian containing a population of 7355 (census 1868) 250
vaccinations were performed, of which 97 were under one year of age, being
about one-third of the estimated birth rate for the year.

Inadequate assistance
rendered by the
members of the

The Members of the Municipal Committee accompanied the Vaccina-
tors at their work, and going round from house to house, appeared to be
giving very good assistance indeed. The children (chiefly Musalmans) were
brought in considerable numbers, and every thing seemed to be going on
most satisfactorily until the Hindoo portion of the city was reached, when
a change was at once observed. The energies of the Committee began to
flag and the number of children very sensibly diminished. When this
fact was pointed out to them, they again bestirred, themselves, but as there
was no corresponding increase in the number of children brought, it became
very evident that their exertions were more apparent than real; and but
comparatively few of the more respectable classes of Hindoos brought their
children forward to be vaccinated.

Apathy and indiffe-
rence shown by Teh-
seeldar Jaggat Ka-

The Tehseeldar, Jaggat Kashore, shewed much apathy and indifference
and gave but little assistance to the Vaccinators, while operations were
being carried on in the Town.

Decrease in the num-
bers vaccinated ow-
ing to opposition of
Lumberdars of some
of the larger Vil-

This Tehseel with a population of 48000 more than that of Shur-
ruckpore, shews a decrease of 403 vaccinations from the number done in that
district; and this falling off is to be attributed chiefly to the opposition
displayed by the Lumberdars of some of the larger villages. For example,
in Khoodean, a village of considerable importance, containing about 700
houses and over 3,000 of a population, only 44 vaccinations were inspected.
The instances however in which this opposition could not in part be
overcome, were not very numerous, and the progress of the work through-
out the Tehseel generally was on the whole not altogether unsatisfactory.

11. Kasur Tehseel. On the 23rd February I passed over to the
Tehseel of Kasur, where a marked improvement in the attitude of the
people towards vaccination was at once observed. In the course of the first
day's inspection, I passed through a Zail, in which, in the space of two
days, over 1,000 operations had been performed by four men alone.

Number vaccinated
in the Kasur Teh-

This Tehseel contains a population of 197,667, and the total number of
vaccinations was 7,985, of which about 97 per cent were successful.

Number vaccinated
in the Town of

Town of Kasur.—This town is of considerable importance, and contains
a population of 16,551. The estimated number of births during the year,
calculated at the rate of one-thirtieth of the population, was 550; and
there were vaccinated 320 children under one year, and 664 over that age;
total 984, of this number 787 were Musalmans, 156 Hindoos, the remainder
belonging to other castes. Vaccination has not been carried on here since
1864, and frequent epidemics of small pox have, since that time, taken place
in the town. The Musalmans, as is usual, were willing to receive vaccina-
tion but the Hindoos again kept in the back ground, and a large propor-
tion of their children still remain unprotected.

Good assistance ren-
dered by Tehseeldar
Cadir Buxsh.

The Tehseeldar, Cadir Buxsh, gave excellent assistance, and was un-
tiring in his efforts to spread vaccination throughout the district. Influ-
enced by the excellent example shewn by him, the members of the Munici-
pal Committee were also induced to take on active interest in the work, and
owing to their exertions, a large number of children was brought forward
to be vaccinated. The Tehseeldar deserves great credit for the energy he
displayed, and I would beg respectfully to bring him to the favourable
notice of the Punjab Government.

Number vaccinated
in the Town of
Khem Kharn.

Khem Kharn.—The next town of importance in this Tehseel, in which
vaccination was carried on, is Khem Kharn, situated about 6 miles from
Kasur. This town contains a population of 5,847, with an estimated birth
rate during the year at about 190; total number of children vaccinated was
255, being 65 in excess of the birth rate.