[ 23 ]

Idleness of Native

At first he was evidently at a loss to know where his men were work-
ing, and we had some difficulty in finding out a village, in which vaccina-
tion had been carried on. I saw 21 cases all of which were successful, and
of excellent quality. Although these cases had been operated on 14 days
previously, it appeared from inquiries I made, that he had never been to
inspect them; and his ignorance of the localities in which the vaccinators
were working, proving him guilty of idleness, he was fined, and warned
that, unless he gave more satisfactory evidence of work in future, he would
lose his appointment. This man formerly bore an excellent character for
work, but without proper supervision he seems to have become careless and

The people of this district appeared to me favourably disposed towards

Inspection of work
in the Pathan-kote
Tehseel of the Goor-
daspore district.

14. I arrived at Pathan Kote, en route to Noorpore, on the 23rd
March, and inspected the work done there by the Native Superintendent,
who had been working in this Tehseel during the whole of the cold season
A considerable number of children with fresh looking vaccine cicatrices
were seen, and the work on the whole appeared satisfactory. The Tehseel-
dar was reported to have given good assistance.

Operations in the
Noorpore Tehseel of
Kangra District.

15. Noorpore. Arriving at Noorpore on the evening of the 23rd
March, I found the vaccinators, that had been sent on a head from Kasur,
had started fresh vesicles, but not receiving much assistance, they were
making but little progress. Without much difficulty, I prevailed on the
members of the Municipal Committee to lend a helping hand, and accom-
panied by the Tehseeldar and Naib Tehseeldar, they went about the town
with the vaccinator, and gave them very fair assistance.

Assistance given by
Mahommad Azim

The Naib Tehseeldar, Mahommed Azim Khan, shewed the most ener-
gy and brought the largest number of children to be vaccinated.

Small Pox prevailing
slightly at the time
Vaccination was be-
ing conducted.

At the time vaccination was being carried on here, a few sporadic cases
of small pox occurred, but, as at Khem Kharn, a large number of children
having been quickly brought under the influence of vaccination, the disease
did not assume an epidemic form. One case fell under notice, in which
vaccination and small pox were seen going on together. The cow pox
vesicles, which were quite distinct and typical, did not seem to have exer-
cised any modifying influence on the course of the small pox, as the symp-
toms of the latter had set in on the 4th day after vaccination and consequent-
ly before the protective stage had been reached. Luckily the case was not
a severe one and I have no doubt the child ultimately recovered.

Number vaccinated
in the Town of

Town of Noorpore.—Noorpore contains a population of a little over
9900, with an estimated birth rate during the year at 300. The total
number of vaccine operations was 325, of which 97.6 per cent were successful.
The total number of vaccinations in the town and district was 1591.

Vesicles deteriorating
from heat setting in.

The quality of the work inspected on 31st March was below par, the
course of the vesicles having been accelerated and otherwise deteriorated by
the heat which had now set in.

Resumé of work du-
ring the past Sea-

16. As the season advanced, and as I gained more experience in the
work, a marked increase in the numbers vaccinated was observed. The
average increase in the number of operations (not including the city of
Lahore and Cantonment of Mian Mir) performed by each man per mensem,
may be seen as follows :—































The marked decrease in the number of operations for the last month
was owing to the time occupied in the march from the Lahore to the
Kangra District, and the delay that necessarily occurred in starting lymph
in a new place.

Result of Season's

17. The result of the season's operations (including those in the city