[ 10 ]

thirtieth of the population), the total number of successful oper-
ations is at the rate of 93 per cent. This district extends over
an area of 2,628 square miles, and contains 1,935 villages (ex-
cluding those of the Rúpar parganah), all of which have been
visited by a staff of 9 native superintendents and 41 vaccina--
tors. The average number of persons vaccinated by each
vaccinator is 841.

The total number of deaths from small-pox in this district
was 1,490 during 1871, of which number 1,229 occurred in
rural circles, and 261 in the towns.

Distribution of estab-

20. On completion of vaccination in the Ambálah
district, I sent one native superintendent and his vaccinators to
the Pinjaur parganah of the Patiálah State ; one native
superintendent and his vaccinators to the Haripúr parganah
of the same State ; two native superintendents and their vacci-
nators to the Mailog State ; two native superintendents and
vaccinators to the Bajji State, and the same to the Sukét State,
and one native superintendent and his vaccinators to Kuniah

Pinjaur parganah, Patiá-
lah State.

On my arrival at Pinjaur I found the work had been
started. Every assistance was rendered by the Maharàja's
servants and not an objection raised by the people. The
total number vaccinated is 1,480 ; of this number 1,273 were
successful, and 159 were revaccinations.

Mailog State.

After seeing the work well advancd in the Pinjaur par-
ganah, I proceeded to Mailog and inspected both native super-
intendents' work, which I found very satisfactory. The Rána
had given every assistance, and 1,326 persons were vaccinated,
of which 1,206 were successful, and 81 revaccinations.

Kuniah State.

I next visited the Kuniah State, where 149 were vaccina-
ted, 130 of which were successful; the whole of these were
examined by me.

Bajji State.

I next visited the Bajji State, where I found the work
proceeding very satisfactorily.

Sukét State.

The Rajah of Sukét had refused to allow vaccination on
account of a famine in his State.

Districts in which na-
tive superintendents
and vaccinators have

21. Vaccine operations have also been carried on in the
following districts by the provincial establishment:—

LAHORE.—One native superintendent and three vac-
cinators worked in the Lahore and Kasúr parganahs the
whole cold season, vaccinating 1,233 in the former and 1,363
in the latter, with a percentage of success of 98.58. Dr.
Bennett and his staff of vaccinators also vaccinated 5,649 in
these two parganahs, during part of January and February,
making a total of 8,245 vaccinations, with a percentage of
success of 97.77.

On the 18th and 19th December, I inspected the work
in the Lahore parganah and found the vaccine vesicles good
in character and number, but the amount of work that had
been performed was very small; but the people were difficult