[ 27 ]

to the native superintendents who were working near Simla,
to commence vaccination with; the vesicles produced from this
were very small and inactive, but after one or two transmis-
sions they very much improved, and, being perfect in character,
the disease was propagated solely from these, and the old dis-
carded ; it having been the custom each year to renew the
lymph under the idea that it might deteriorate.

The following supplies of vaccine lymph were distributed
to Civil Surgeons and Regimental Medical Officers:—173
capillary tubes, 93 vaccine crusts, 29 ivory points, and 26
glasses charged with vaccine lymph.

31. The Conduct of the Establishment has on the whole
been very good; nearly all have shown zeal in their work, and
no serious fault has occurred. Native Superintendents Attar
Mull, and Nának Chand, the former in the Siálkót, the latter
in the Gujránwála district, deserve special praise for the very
large number of operations they have performed in those dis-

List of those brought to
favorable notice.

32. Before concluding this report, I have the honor to
request the favor of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor
granting letters of commendation to the following native
gentlemen :—

The Rána of Erkí (Bhagul); Extra Assistant Commis-
sioner Gopal Sahai; Sub-Assistant Surgeon Juswunt Roy,
Multán ; and the Municipal Committee of Multán; and com-
mendatory parwánahs from the Commissioners of their Divi
sions to the following native officials:—

Tahsíldár Ujágur Mull of Jagádhri.


Nund Lall of Naráingarh.


Rádha Kishen of Ludiánah.


Jawahir Lall of Gujránwála.


Jugga Nath

of Siálkót.


Sanji Mall


Suj Surn


Thákar Dás of Jhang, and Náib-Tahsíldár

Muhammad Azim Khan of Hoshiárpúr.

Vaccination returns ap-

33. The numerical returns are appended.

No. I. Showing particulars of vaccination performed by
the Provincial Establishment.

No. II. Showing the numbers and result of vaccination
during each month of the year.

No. III. Showing the total expenditure on account of

No. IV. A comparative statement for the last five years.

No. V. Showing particulars of vaccination performed
by dispensary vaccinators.

No. VI. Showing particulars of vaccination performed
by municipal and other vaccinators.

No. VII. Showing the total of all vaccine operations
in the Panjáb, and No.