Proceedings of the Honorable the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab in the Home Department,—No. 3813,
                                        dated Lahore, 19th October 1875.


Annual Report on Vaccine Operations in the Punjab for the year 1874-75, furnished by
A. M.Garden, Esquire, Superintendent-General of Vaccination, received 7th October

REMARKS.—The general result of vaccine operations in the Punjab
during 1874-75 was 511,425 operations, of which 94.57 per cent. were successful,
the cost of each successful case being 2 annas 4 pie. The number of opera-
tions was thus 38,239 in excess of those of last year, and the average cost was
slightly less. On the other hand the percentage of successful cases shows a
falling off of nearly 1 per cent.

2.    The most satisfactory feature in the Report is the evidence that opposi-
tion to vaccination is steadily decreasing.

In the Native States,—Kashmir, Patiála, Kapurthala, Sirmur, Chamba,
Jubbal, Balsan, Kot Khái, Náalargarh, Kuthár, Mailog,—every assistance was
given to the vaccinators. The State of Kalsia was, His Honor regrets to see, an
exception; but even there the opposition offered was apparently temporary.

3.    In British territory there was nowhere any decided opposition, and
His Honor is glad to notice that in the districts of Ludhiána, Amritsar, Delhi
and Lahore, where in past years much obstruction was experienced, very fair
success was obtained. In the former district there were 329 Hindús vaccinated
against only 54 last year, and in Amritsar 1,172 more Hindús were vaccinated
last year than in 1873-74. Still there is much to be done before the proper
amount of success can be said to be obtained.

4.    The Lieutenant-Governor's attention has been drawn to a remark con-
tained in paragraph 10 of Superintendent-General's Report, that the masters of
schools, Government and otherwise, invariably opposed the work of vaccination.
The names of the Government officials who are said to exercise their influence
against vaccination, and have thus rendered themselves liable to dismissal, should
be reported. The want of co-operation evinced by the Municipal Committee of
Ferozepore will be noticed in ' a communication to the Commissioner of the

5.    The attention of the Civil Surgeons of Pesháwar, Kohát, Bannu, Dera
Gházi Khan and Rájanpur, is drawn to the bad quality of work done by the
district vaccinators ; and the Deputy Commissioner and Medical Officer of Sirsa
to the falling off in the sub-division of Fázilka.

6.    The services of the Native Chiefs who have advanced the progress of
vaccination in their respective States have already been acknowledged ; and His
Honor requests that Commissioners of Divisions will communicate his acknow-
ledgments to Gopál Sahai, Extra Assistant Commissioner, and other Native
gentlemen and municipal committees, whose assistance has been brought to
notice and whose names are recorded in paragraph 27 of this Report.

ORDER.—Ordered that the Report be printed, with the remarks of
the Honorable the Lieutenant-Governor, and circulated for general inform-

Ordered also that, the foregoing remarks be published in the Punjab
Government Gazette.

                                        By order of the Honorable the Lieutenant-Governor,

                                                                T. H. THORNTON,
                                                        Secretary to Government, Punjab.