PUNJAB FOR THE YEAR 1875-76.


          A. M. GARDEN, ESQUIRE,

                    Superintendent General of Vaccination, Punjab.



                                                  Secretary to Government Punjab.


I have the honor to submit, for the information of the Honorable the
Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, my Report on Vaccine Operations in the
Punjab for the year 1875-76.

Numbers vaccinated
by Provincial Establish-
ment,—percentage of suc-
cess and cost

The numbers vaccinated by the Provincial Establishment
are 3,00,506, a decrease of 71,428 on last year's work. Of
these 2,83,236, or 98.43 per cent., were successful. The total
cost was Rs. 61,919-14-4 ; each successful case cost 3 annas 5
pie and a fraction.

Numbers vaccinated by
Dispensary Establish-
ments,—percentage of suc-
cess and cost.

The numbers done by Dispensary Establishments are
37,552, a decrease of 2,016 on last year's work. Of these 30,048,
or 86.54 per cent., were successful. The total cost was
Rs. 3,549-10-9 ; each successful case cost 1 anna 10 pie and a

Numbers vaccinated by
Municipal Vaccinators,—
percentage of success and

21,291 vaccinations were done by Municipal vaccinators,
of which 17,248, or 90.91 per cent., were successful. The total
cost was Rs. 2,113-0-8; each successful case cost 1 anna 11 pie
and a fraction.

Numbers vaccinated by
Local Fund vaccinators,—
percentage of success, and

43,974 vaccinations were done by Local Fund vaccinators
at a cost of Rs. 2,610-3-5. 34,994, or 88.43 per cent., were
successful; each successful case cost 1 anna 1 pie and a fraction.

Numbers done by em-
ployés of Native chiefs,

22,274 vaccinations were performed by men employed by
native chiefs at a cost of Rs. 2,773-6-3; each successful case
cost 2 annas 11 pie and a fraction.

Total of all operations,—
percentage of successful
cases and cost,

The grand total of all operations performed in the Punjab
is 4,40,394 at a cost of Rs. 63,343-2-5.

The percentage of successful cases is 94-84, and the cost
of each successful case is 2 annas 6 pie and a fraction.

During the year the following officers held charge :—

Surgeon-Major A. M. Garden, Superintendent General,
from 1st April 1875 to 10th December, and from 7th to 31st
March 1876.