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was young and inexperienced, and had not much influence
with the people. In the city of Karnál for several days
nothing could be done. Afterwards, with the help of two
Members of the Municipal Committee, about 600 children
were vaccinated. Some of the Members sent their families
away, thereby showing a very bad example to the people, and
causing them extra fear of vaccination.

The Pánipat Tahsíl was done in a fortnight, but the
Karnál took a month. Much trouble was met with in the
Kaithal Tahsíl of this district at first; finally a fair amount of
work was done. Small-pox was prevalent in many parts.
Dr. Newton says that the people in this and the Delhi District
are beginning to hide deaths from small pox.

5.    UMBALLA.—The Pípli, Kharar, and Rupar Tahsíls, of
the Umballa District, were next undertaken, and very little
opposition was met with. In many parts, and especially about
Kharar, the vaccinators are gladly welcomed.

6.    LUDHIANA.—Dr. Newton examined the work here, and
found it had been well done.

7.    JULLUNDUR.—Work here had been well done, and
the people were becoming yearly more alive to the benefits
of vaccination.

8.    HOSHIARPUR.—As is usual in this district, the vaccina-
tors rarely met with opposition, and the work was well done.

9.    AMRITSAR.—Here opposition has always been met
with, but it now appears to be gradually giving way, there being
a decided improvement in the proportion of vaccinations to the
area goive over. Colonel Hall, Deputy Commissioner, has
always encouraged vaccination.

10.    GURDASPUR.—Dr. Newton examined 253 children
vaccinated in twelve villages, all of whom had been success-
fully done ; 99 per cent had six cicatrices each.

11.    SIALKOT.—332 children were examined here in
twelve villages, and nearly every child showed six good
vaccine marks.

12.    KANGRA.—An inspection of the work of some
inoculators, who had been taught vaccination by Honorary
Surgeon Quinnell, showed it to be valueless.

13.    FEROZEPORE.—A new district was undertaken this
year, "Ferozepore." Dr. J. Bennett, Offg. Superintendent Vac-
cination, conducted the operations. In many places great opposi-
tion was met with, and this chiefly where the Sikh element
predominated. In Ferozshah, Moodki, and near villages oppo-
sition was so great that all attempts had to be given up, and
much time was wasted. In those parts where the district was
thinly populated, work was retarded. At Farídkot the Rajah,
and therefore his officials as well, were at first much opposed to
vaccination, and, though by the tact displayed by Dr. Bennett,
he was eventually induced to assist, valuable time was lost.