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In the districts of Lahore, Gujránwála, Gujrát, Jhelum,
Rawalpindi, and Hazárá, work was also carried on by the
Provincial Establishment. The Civil authorities have assisted
in it, and have everywhere endeavoured to render vaccination
popular, and their subordinates have also worked well. In
most towns the Members of the Municipal Commitees assisted
willingly. In some, however, they would not, and much pre-
cious time was lost. In some districts work was for a time
almost at a standstill on account of the great prevalence of
fever and other diseases. To this the great prevalence of disease
in the early part of the cold season, and to the time of the district
subordinate officials, lambardárs of villages, &c., being so much
taken up with preparations for the troops marching to and from
the Delhi camp, and also to the slowness with which work
was for some time carried on in the Delhi District, is to be
attributed the great falling off in numbers vaccinated during
this year. It is also, I trust;, partly due to the smaller number
of unprotected children to be found in the villages of those
districts which have repeatedly been gone over by the


DELHI CITY.—There was a decrease in the numbers vacci-
nated here, which is attributed to the Pahárganj and Sabzi
Mandi suburbs having been worked by the Provincial Estab-
lishment. Great opposition was met with by the Municipal
vaccinators. Dr. Fairweather, Civil Surgeon, says he " has
never met with so much anywhere, the native Members of
the Municipal Committee made only a show of assisting ; in
reality they did nothing." The Deputy Commissioner does
not entirely agree with the Civil Surgeon's remarks on the
extreme apathy of the Members of the Committee. The Com-
missioner believes that, with one or two exceptions (viz., Rái
Sáhib Singh, Rái Umráo Singh, Hakim Zahúr-ud-dín, and
Khán. Mahbúb Bakhsh) the assistance given by the Members
has not been as active as might have been expected. Mr. T. W.
Smyth, Deputy Commissioner, went into the city on several
occasions, and helped as far as he was able. The entire credit
of the work done in the city is due to the exertions of Assistant
Surgeon Rádhákishen. In Pahárganj and Sabzi Mandi 790
operations were performed in six days by Provincial Estab-
lishment vaccinators, who were assisted by Rammi Mal
and Khán Mahbúb Bakhsh, Committee Members for those
parts. This shows that when they choose the Members can do
a great deal.

SONEPAT TOWN.—This town has always been much
opposed to vaccination. Assistant Surgeon Thákar Dás under-
took the work, and managed most successfully to overcome all
opposition in a quiet and able manner.

UMBALLA TOWN.—Here vaccination was carried out by
Assistant Surgeon Mahtáb Singh, and no particular prejudice
was shown, excepting by the Hindús. The Members of the