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Committee helped. Mr. Pitcaithly, Secretary to the Com-
mittee, has always urged on the people to accept vaccination.
The subordinates, Munshís, &c., in the Government offices, as
they have always done, again opposed vaccination, and would
not listen to either the Deputy Commissioner, Colonel Fendall,
or Mr. Pitcaithly.

LUDHIANA TOWN.—The Municipality again entertained vac-
cinators. The Members of the Committee gave very good
help. Dr. Rouse, Civil Surgeon, and Gokal Chand, Assistant
Surgeon, conducted the work.

JAGRAON.—In Jagraon, Hospital Assistant Esfan Ali vac-
cinated 571 children himself. Dr. Rouse brings specially to
notice the good work done by Gokal Chand and Esfan Ali.

JULLUNDUR.—Small-pox appeared in several places in
this district. Vaccinations were performed in and about
all the infected villages. Dr. Aitchison, Civil Surgeon, made
excellent arrangements, and conducted the operations both
in the city, near towns, and villages. Formerly, had small-pox
appeared in as many places in this district as it has this year,
the damage it would have inflicted would have been very great;
that now inflicted is comparatively slight.

AMRITSAR CITY.—The work here was conducted by Dr.
Whitwell, Civil Surgeon. 6,906 vaccinations were performed,
being 2,244 less than last year. The decrease was caused by
the season being so unhealthy that work could not be begun
till December, by the unusual number of holidays, and the
attention of the Municipality being given for a time altogether
to the visit of the Prince of Wales, and by the steady opposi-
tion of the Hindús. The outbreak of small-pox now in the
city is almost wholly confined to the Hindú community. Some
Members of the Municipal Committee gave excellent help;
others, on the contrary, " showed indifference, if not worse;"
" many refused to assist at all; out of 36 members only 5 took
any interest in the work. " Dr. Whitwell must have worked
well to have gained so much success.

FEROZEPORE CITY.—The Municipal Committee exerted
themselves more than formerly, and more work was therefore
done. Six Local Fund vaccinators were employed in the district,
Dr. Bennett saw their work, and says that, as regards quantity
and quality, it was unsatisfactory, in some instances extremely
so. The supervision over them was almost nominal.

LAHORE CITY.—The numbers vaccinated here have fallen
off. The Assistant Surgeon in charge of the vaccinators gives
as a reason for it that small-pox has been rife in the city
almost all the year. The disease has certainly been very
severe, and many deaths have resulted. Some native gentle-
men are said to have helped the vaccinators. The Deputy
Commissioner thinks the work to have been very satisfactory.
Unfortunately the disease still continues. I cannot therefore
think that much good vaccination has been done. No less