The usual statements are appended, and a list of the
names of Native gentlemen and others who personally
encouraged vaccination is given, with a request that their good
services may be recognised in some manner by the Honorable
the Lieutenant Governor. The names of those who assisted
in the first three months of the year were entered in the last

Names of those who assisted and encouraged vaccination.

    His Highness the Mahárájah of Kashmír.
    Wazír Punnú, Governor of Kashmir.
    Mián Mán Singh, Wazír Wazárat of Muzaffarabad.
    Pandit Gobindji, do. do. of Anant Nág.
    Pandit Rámji, do. do. of Srinaggar.
    Diwán Mansa Rám, Kotwál, Muzaffarabad.
    Devi Dás, Wazír to Rána of Bhajji.
    Durga, Zaildár or Kotwál Dharmsála.

Sadda Nand.

Members of Committee of Ráhon, Jullundur.

Sikandar Khán.

    Esfan Ali, Hospital Assistant Jagraon, Ludhiána.

                                    I have the honor to be,
                                    Your most obedient servant,

                                        A. M. GARDEN,
                            Supdt. General Vaccination, Punjab.