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of their number, Munshi Gurdial Singh and Jahangiri Mal, absolutely refused
to appear at the meeting when the question was being discussed. My stay
here being limited, and finding it impossible to introduce vaccination without
assistance from the district authorities, I addressed a letter to Mr. Roberts,
the Deputy Commissioner, on the subject. This officer, shortly after visiting
this town in the course of his tour through the district, exerted his best influ-
ence in the matter, and, pointing out to the Municipal Committee the short-
sightedness of their conduct, succeeded in securing their co-operation " I
believe that much of this opposition is the consequence of ignorance as to
the objects and properties of vaccination, and that it will be to a great
extent overcome by the appointment of permanent vaccinators in each
district, who will have greater opportunities of informing the people
concerning the benefits of the practice than is the case under the
system of occasional visits by strangers, as has hitherto been the case. In
reviewing the outturn of the work effected by the dispensary and other local
establishments, Dr. Bennett states that no assistance in vaccination was received
from the Municipal Committees of Delhi, Amritsar and Sonepat. This is much
to be regretted, and is by no means creditable to the members composing these
corporations. As it is, the people are—whatever be the cause—too generally
averse to accepting vaccination, and when, under the circumstances, these Native
gentlemen, the representatives of the people, thwart the progress of the practice,
the case becomes hopeless, and operations in many instances come to a stand-
still. I need hardly add that much of the success in spreading the prophy-
lactic amongst the people depends upon the countenance and exertions of the
Native members of municipal committees, who, owing to their position amongst
the people, are able to exercise much influence with them. Experience has
shown that wherever the members of municipal committees have taken a real
interest in the matter beneficial results have attended their efforts. The mem-
bers of the Municipal Committees of Mooltan, Ferozepore and Umballa deserve
special mention in this respect. Their praiseworthy exertions in promoting
the cause of vaccination amongst their fellow-townsmen have done a great deal
of good, and it is to be hoped that they will extend their good offices in this
matter to the rural circles of their respective districts.

9.    It is gratifying to find from Dr. Bennett's report that " in many parts
of the Ferozepore district a marked improvement in the attitude of the people
towards vaccination was observed, especially throughout the greater portion of
the Moga tahsil and in Mudki, Ferozeshah, and in several other villages conti-
guous to these. The inhabitants of the villages named have hitherto resisted, in
a very pertinacious way, all attempts to introduce vaccination amongst them ;
but, having suffered severely from small-pox in 1879, many were this year
(although they showed some hesitation at first) prevailed upon to submit their
children to the operation." In the Ludhiana district Dr. Bennett states that
" vaccination has been making fairly good progress for the last six or seven years,
and in no place was seen that bitterness of feeling against the operation which
in earlier years was so plainly exhibited." The subjects of the Raja of Farid-
kot are stated to have been more favorable towards vaccination last year than
they were in 1875-76, when the State was for the first time visited.

10.   The report shows that the undermentioned officers took great interest
in promoting the cause of vaccination, viz., Colonel Jenkins, Deputy Commis-
sioner, Kangra; Mr. Steel, Deputy Commissioner, Ferozepore; Major Harington,
Deputy Commissioner, Gujrat; Mr. Roberts, Deputy Commissioner, Gurgaon ;
Dr. Bateson, Civil Surgeon, Umballa; Assistant Surgeons Chitan Shah and Brij
Lal Ghose, Rai Bahadurs ; and Assistant Surgeon Dunichand. Much assistance
was received from the Rajas of Faridkot and Bashahr, Rai Oodey Ram, Extra
Assistant Commissioner, Tahsildars Fatteh Singh, Salig Ram and Bhag Rai,
and Naib-Tahsildar Gudroo Mal. His Highness the Raja of Faridkotset a
good example to his subjects by having two of his children vaccinated.

11.    In conclusion, I would beg to invite the attention of His Honor
the Lieutenant-Governor to the obnoxious practice of inoculating small-pox
which is prevalent in several parts of the Province, It will be seen by refer-