( 5 )

a small amount of aid from the Civil Surgeons at the head-quarters of each
district, or from the civil officers whose co-operation and influence must
naturally he of great importance in the efficient working of any such scheme
as that referred to; thus what the Lieutenant-Governor considers the chief
guarantee of success had been overlooked, and His Honor was compelled to
request a further consideration of the proposal, pointing out especially that
the object to be kept in view should be the working out of a district plan
for vaccination. He wished this to be the foundation of the new scheme for
the reorganization of that department, and he has expressed an opinion that,
as there are great advantages to be gained from using the heads of dispensaries
in superintending the operations of the working staff, the new scheme should
provide for the employment of that agency, and for utilizing the services of
Civil Surgeons and throwing on them the responsibility of carefully supervis-
ing the work within their respective districts. Anything short of such an
arrangement as that which renders the district organization complete within
itself must, in His Honor's opinion, fail.

It is his special desire that his views on this point should be circulated
among local officers to prepare them for giving effect to such scheme when it
has been matured. In the meantime, as the season for vaccine operations is
approaching, and there must be delay in working out the details of any new
organization, His Honor has reluctantly consented to these operations being
carried on for this season under the old system; but it is hoped that improved
and satisfactory arrangements will be matured before the work of another
season is entered upon.

5. The Lieutenant-Governor notices with satisfaction the cordial assistance
rendered to the cause of vaccination by His Highness the Raja of Faridkot
and the Raja of Bashahr, and the efforts made by the Deputy Commissioner of
Kangra, Colonel Jenkins ; the Deputy Commissioner of Gurgaon, Mr. Roberts ;
and the Civil Surgeon of Umballa, Dr. Bateson, to promote its success. The
practice of inoculation is reported to exist in the districts of Hoshiarpur, Shah-
pur, Dera Ismail Khan and Muzaffargarh, and the Deputy Commissioners of
these districts should use their influence to discourage its continuance. The
members of Municipal Committees, as a rule, exerted their influence in favour
of vaccination, but there is still room for improvement in this respect, notably
in the districts of the Delhi division and in Amritsar.

ORDER.—Ordered, that the above be printed and circulated with the
Report. Also that a copy be forwarded to the Sanitary Commissioner, Punjab.

            By order of the Hon'ble the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab.

                                                W. M. YOUNG,

                                        Secretary to Government, Punjab.