( 6 )

                                          GURDASPUR DISTRICT.

15. Three tahsíls of this district were visited, but in none of them, as the subjoined table will show,
was anything like exhaustive vaccination carried out:—

                        Statement No. X.


Total number

Ratio of suc-
cessful cases
per 1,000 of

Gurdâspur ... ... ...



Pàthánkotce ... ... ...



Shakargarh ... ... ...



Batála ... ... ... ...



Total ...



The tahsíls of Pathánkote and Batála were
vaccinated by the Local Native Superintendent who,
with four men, was employed in this district through-
out the cold season; the tahsíl of Shakargarh, taken in
hand by a small detachment of the itinerating staff
towards the close of the vaccinating season, was not
fully overtaken. Much unnecessary delay in com-
mencing operations took place in the tahsíl last men-
tioned ; the vaccinators reported their arrival to the
Tahsíldar on the 3rd march, but, as previous intima-
tion of the intention to extend vaccination (which was
being carried on in other parts of the district) to this
tahsíl had inadvertently been omitted to be given to
the local authorities, permission to begin work was
not obtained until the 9th of that month. The total number vaccinated was 12,195, with, in primary
cases, a percentage of success of 95.16 ; the ratio successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of population was
12.77. The mortality registered under the head of small-pox in 1879 was 3,254, being in the ratio of
3.59 per mille of population.

          NATIVE STATES.

          Statement No. XI.

Native State.

Total number

Sirmur ... ...


Bashabr ... ...


Nalagarh ... ...


Faridkot ... ...


Patiála ... ...


Mailog ... ...


Baghát ... ...


Suket ... ...


Mandi ... ...


Kamarsin ... ...


Katlehar ... ...


Goler ... ...


Dadah ... ...


Dhámi ... ...


Kehneti ... ...


Total ...


16. The Native States given in the following table were also visited by the vaccinators of the
Special Establishment, and, with the exception of Faridkot, were overtaken during the summer months:-

The total number of operations performed in the 15 states
visited was 39,988, and the ratio of success in primary cases was
90.27 per cent.

In February 1879, having received information that inocu-
lation was being carried on in the State of Sirmur, I addressed a
letter to the Rajah on the subject, pointing out the grave dangers
arising from the practice, and strongly recommending him to dis-
courage it as much as possible; at the same time I informed him
that complete arrangements for carrying out systematic vaccina-
tion in his State would shortly be made. When, however, in accor-
dance with this promise, operations were in the following April
commenced, it appeared that no action had been taken on my
representation, and that the obnoxious practice, if not actually
encouraged by the Rajah and his officials, was being engaged in
with their full knowledge and consent. The inoculators were said
to have been called from their homes in Dera Doon for the express
purpose of effecting the inoculation of the State, and the fact that
they were working openly, not only in the more remote parts,
but also in the town of Nahan itself, gave an air of truth to this
report. The Rajah, however, having been prevailed upon to discountenance the performance of inocula-
tion, afterwards used his influence in favour of vaccination; and, the people, apparently anxious to
avail themselves of whatever prophylactic might be brought within their reach, readily bringing their
children to be vaccinated, highly satisfactory results were obtained.

In Bashahr operations were not carried beyond the limits of the Pabar valley. Compared with the
small area covered, the number of vaccinations performed was very large. Every assistance was received
from the State authorities.

Small-pox having made its appearance in the Nalágarh State about the middle of May, a large
body of vaccinators was, at the request of the Rajah, sent to carry on operations there ; but, his subor-
dinates taking little or no interest in the matter, and giving but little assistance, the work was, not at
first carried out on a sufficiently large scale to limit the spread of the disease. The people, however were
not unfavourably disposed, and a comparatively large number of persons (3,998) was vaccinated.

The State of Farídkot, visited by the Provincial Establishment for the first time in 1875-76, was
during the cold season just past visited for the second time ; although some considerable amount of
opposition was met with, the attitude of the people, on the whole, was more favourable than was the
case on the occasion of the first visit. With respect to vaccination, the views of the Rajah himself had
undergone a great change in the interval—from distrust to complete faith in it—and he set a good
example by having two of his children vaccinated. In the Patiála State, the purgannahs adjoining
Simla were overtaken during the rainy season. A considerable number of children who had been