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The returns submitted by hakíms and by vaccinators employed by Native States are also included
under the head of Dispensary Vaccination.

(a). Delhi District.—As last year, the city establishment consisted of a head vaccinator and 5
vaccinators paid from Municipal Funds. The total number vaccinated in the city and suburbs was 3,160,
a decrease of 547 compared with previous year. No assistance was received from the Municipal
Committee, and the vaccinators, as usual, encountered great opposition in the performance of their duties.
As an instance of the strong feeling entertained against vaccination in this city, I may relate the fact that,
on the occasion of my inspection visit, a most unprovoked assault was committed by a shopkeeper on one
of the vaccinators at a short distance from the place where operations were being inspected. The
assailant, it is reported, was prosecuted and punished by a fine, and one month's imprisonment. Assistant
Surgeon Rádha Kishan, in charge of the City Dispensary, reports that of 5,153 births registered during
the past year, 2,677, or more than half, died ; and of 2,476 who survived, 1,387 were successfully vaccinated.
The arm-to-arm method of vaccinating was carried out as far as possible, but many vaccinations are
said to have been performed with lymph stored between glasses, and in tubes. The head-vaccinator
provided the Civil Surgeon with frequent supplies of lymph for the vaccination of European infants, on
whom it is stated to have been used with almost invariable success. The work in the city was found to
be of excellent quality, but, owing to the difficulties met with, operations, as regards distribution, had not
been prosecuted on a systematic plan. No improvement in this respect can be expected to take place as
long as the members of the Municipal Committee hold aloof from the work. The percentage of success
recorded in primary cases is 84.53, the ratio successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of population being 16.53 as
against 18.2 of the previous year. In 1879 there were 5 deaths from small-pox recorded against 113 in 1878

In the town of Sonepat 226 children were vaccinated. Assistant Surgeon Rám Kishan reports
that of 310 infants born in this town during the past year, 247 were alive at the end of the year, of
whom 164, or 66 per cent., were successfully vaccinated. No assistance was received from the
Municipal Committee.

(b). Karnál District.—Assistant Surgeon Rádha Kishan reports that 5 Hospital Assistants were
employed in vaccine operations in this district; total number vaccinated was 1,127, with, in primary
cases, 77.88 per cent. successful.

(c). Umballa District.—In the town of Umballa 2 vaccinators, paid from Municipal Funds,
were employed, vaccinating a total of 1,711 persons—a decrease of 807 from that of previous year; in primary
vaccinations the percentage of success was 90.28; the ratio successfully vaccinated per 1,000 fell from
86.01 in 1878-79 to 57.65 in the year under review. The work was supervised by Dr. Bateson and
Assistant Surgeon Duni Chand, in charge of the Town Despensary, both of whom deserve much credit for
the great improvement effected in vaccination in this town during the last two years. The arm-to-arm
method is said to have been invariably adhered to. The members of the Municipal Committee are reported
to have given good assistance, particular mention being made of Ghulám Zamin and Chaudhri Jiwan Singh.
The Assistant Surgeon in his report states that no epidemic of small-pox occurred during the year,
although, from returns compiled in the Sanitary Commissioner's office, it appears that no less than 78
deaths were caused by that disease in 1879. Operations were also carried on through local agency in the
towns of Jagádhri, Shahabad, and Thánesar, the returns for these places giving 255, 130, and 104,
respectively, as the number vaccinated. In the town of Jagádhri small-pox caused 156 deaths in 1879,
being at the rate of 12.46 per 1,000 of population. In the Sadr and Regimental bazars 185 vaccinations
were performed by a vaccinator paid from Cantonment Funds ; if to this number be added the 931 cases
shown in the returns of the Provincial Establishment, the aggregate total of operations performed in
Cantonments during the year would come to 1,116. In the town of Rúpar 568 vaccinations were
performed by 2 vaccinators paid from Municipal Funds. The vaccination of the rural circles having
been effected by the Provincial Establishment, the operations of the local vaccinators were almost entirely
confined to within Municipal limits, the result being a great falling-off in the out-turn of work
accomplished by them in the year under report.

(d). Amritsar City.—There were 1 permanentand 3 temporary vaccinators, paid from Municipal Funds,
employed, performing a total of 3,388 vaccinations—a decrease of 4,384, as compared with the number
returned in the preceding year; but as the head-vaccinator formerly employed by the Municipality (who
was discharged towards the close of the season 1878-79) had on several occasions been convicted of making
false entries in the register, it is obvious that no fair comparison between the two years can be made.
In primary cases a percentage of 92.29 is recorded as having been successfully vaccinated ; and the ratio
of success per 1,000 of population is 22.7. The work was inspected by me in January, and found to be
of excellent quality ; but, as no assistance was being received from the Municipal Committee, operations
were very irregularly distributed over the city. No false entries in the registers were detected. The
number of deaths assigned to small-pox in 1879 was 745, being in the ratio of 5 49 per 1,000.

(e). Lahore District.—The city establishment, consisting of 3 permanent vaccinators, who,
is usual, worked under the direct supervision of Assistant Surgeon Brij Lal Ghose, Rai Bahadur; no
extra vaccinators were employed. The total number vaccinated was 2,917, exceeding by 377 the
number for 1878-79; in primary vaccinations the proportion of successful cases was 80.80 per cent; and
the ratio successfully vaccinated per 1,000 of population was 16.94. Included in the above are 183
vaccinations performed at the Mayo Hospital. The vesicles examined by me in January left nothing
to be desired in point of quality, but the work was ill defined as regards distribution; the vaccine