Work done by the Dis-
pensary Staff.

12. The Dispensary Staff also performed fewer operations, doing
only 1,132 altogether, and of these 1,072 were primary
and 60 re-vaccinations.

Vaccination with animal

13. The use of animal lymph has become almost universal in the
Province. In every district the statistics show a more
extended employment of this method of vaccination. Of
the total number of vaccinations (10,56,805) during the year, 8,43,238 or 80 per
cent. were performed with animal lymph.

With reference to the correspondence ending with Punjab Government
letter No. 104, dated 3rd March 1894, the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner
was directed to carry out a series of experiments on the kid as a
vaccinifer, as it is supposed that if vaccination with lymph obtained from
kids can be as successfully performed as with the lymph taken from calves, many
religious and other prejudices would be overcome; but the results obtained up to
the present have not been very promising.

Vaccination inspections
by Dr. Stephen.

14. Dr. Stephen during his tour of inspection in February last inspect-
ed 2,104 vaccine operations and the results of his inspection
are given in the table below:—

Statement showing the result of inspection of vaccination work by the Sanitary Commissioner
                                                 in February

6 Cicatrices.

5 Cicatrices.

4 Cicatrices.

3 Cicatrices.

2 Good

2 Bad


1 cicatrix.

No mark.










Inspections by Deputy
Sanitary Commissioner and
Native Supervisors Spe-
cial Staff.

15. The Deputy Sanitary Commissioner inspected 3,019 primary and
634 re-vaccinations, of which number he found 84.86 primary
and 49.21 of re-vaccinations successful. The Native Super-
visors of the Special Staff inspected 31,403 primary
vaccinations and 12,802 re-vaccinations, the percentage of
primary cases found successful being 94.46 and of successful re-vaccinations

Appointment of Inspector
of Vaccination for Gujrát,
Gujránwála and Shahpnr
districts, and his work.

16. As the appointment of an Assistant Surgeon to inspect vaccination
work did not prove successful, one of the District Native
Supervisors was selected for the purpose of inspecting
the work of Vaccinators in the districts of Gujrát, Gujrán-
wála and Shahpur with the sanction of Government.
The table overleaf gives the results of the vaccination inspections made
by this official during the season of 1893-94, showing that he inspected alto-
gether 20,715 persons of whom 18,896 were primary and 1,819 re-vaccinations.
The work done by this Native Inspector was very satisfactory and shows
the need of such an official for each Division of the Province.