1.    Page 1, para. 3, line 5, instead of Statement No. 1, read Statement No. II.

2.    Page 4, para. 14, line 13, read 657773 instead of 675773.

3.    Page 6, para. 21, lines 2 and 7 omit the words " per 1000 of population."

4.    Page 6, para. 22, line 1, read Appendix G instead of Appendix F.

5.    Page 6, para. 22, in marginal heading, read Statement G instead of Statement F.

6.    Appendix G, Town Rohtak, in column Number of notices issued, read 217 instead of 211.

7.    Appendix G, Town Murree, in last column, read 14th December 1893 instead of 14th

          December 1894.

8.    On page XV, Appendix A, expunge column marked " Days " from table.