recommend the appointment of Inspectors in every Division of the Province,
as those already employed have done such good work in every respect.

                                        Special Staff.

Work of the Special Staff.

15. The Special Staff performed altogether 79,305 operations, compared
with 83,235 in 1894-95, a decrease of 3,930. This de-
crease occurs under " Re-vaccinations," and the falling-off is
clearly and satisfactorily explained in the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner's
Report (Appendix A) as being due to the orders against indiscriminate re-
vaccinations, and particularly to the extra work thrown upon the staff owing to
the fact of small-pox being epidemic in the Province, as these men were
frequently called on to assist District Vaccinators in combating the disease.

Vaccination work in the
Hill States:—



Sirmúr ...


Baghát ...


Biláspur ...


Mailog ...


Nálagarh ...


Mandi ...


Suket ...


Chamba ...


16. Although there was such an unusual demand
for the services of the Special Staff this year, it will be
seen from Appendix to Statement No. I that they per-
formed a very fair number of operations in the Hill
States. as shown in the margin, and I am glad to say
that during the year under report no complaints were
made against any of the Hill Chiefs for opposing vaccin
ation in their States.

                            Cantonment Vaccination.

Number of vaccinations
performed in Cantonments.

17. Compared with 1894-95 there has been a fairly satisfactory im-
provement in the number of operations performed by the
Cantonment Staff, as the numbers vaccinated in 1895-96
were 10,873 against 6,987 in 1894-95. Of this total, 4,858 were primary
and 6,015 re-vaccinations, the percentage of success being 94.77 and 75.58,
respectively. The increase in the number of vaccinations this year, as
compared with last, is entirely under " Re-vaccinations," probably owing to the
appearance of small-pox all over the Province at the close of the year, as people
became frightened and allowed themselves to be re-vaccinated.

                            Dispensary Vaccination,

Number of vaccinations
performed in Dispensaries.

18. The number of vaccinations performed at the Dispensaries has also
gone up from 2,274 in 1894-95 to 3,269 in 1895-96, an in-
crease of 995. The number of primary vaccinations was
2,282 and re-vaccinations 987, giving a percentage of 93.38 and 51.57, respect-
ively. The reason so few vaccinations are performed by Assistant Surgeons
and Hospital Assistants is due to the impression they have, that this work does
not form part of their legitimate duties, as there is a separate Department for
the purpose, and, like most persons, they do not care to perform work for which
they are not paid.

                        Vaccination in the large Native States.

Vaccination in the large

Native State.

19. In paragraph 10 of the Review of the Vaccination Report for last year
His Honor noticed the extraordinary number of re-vaccina-
tions in the Patiála State, as compared with the number of
primary operations. I referred the question to Surgeon-Major W. C. Owen,
Medical Adviser to His Highness the Mahárája of Patiála, and his explanation
was forwarded to Government with this office No. 53/2902, dated 4th November
1895. This year the number of re-vaccinations was 37,749 against 76,966 in the
preceding year, while the number of primary vaccinations rose from 57,535 in
1894-95 to 61,096 in 1895-96.

The usual statement showing the number of primary vaccinations and
re-vaccinations performed in the large Native States, also those performed in
Kurram, is given overleaf : —