
The above experiments were made to see whether the vaseline vaccine after an in-
terval of ten days was still as good as ever.

On the 10th November another series of calves was started as the previous lymph
had passed through three buffalo-calves, and was considered to have deteriorated after this
to be used again without being first passed through a child.

A buffalo-calf (alif) was inoculated as before with lymph from a Kashmíri child,

On 15th November calf D, which was inoculated on the 9th November with vaseline
vaccine, was examined. Out of eleven lines on the abdomen eight had taken, but the vesicles-
had been rubbed and spoilt, out of the eight punctured scratches seven had taken, but only
five vesicles remained intact.

Of the three children vaccinated on the 9th, Haro had five vesicles for six places,
Ishro had four vesicles for six places, Faqir had three vesicles for six places. The results
in the calf and these three children show that vaseline does not modify the lymph and
keeps it from deterioration for ten days.

On the same day experiments were carried out to find the difference between fresh
lymph from a buffalo and the vaccine that had been preserved with vaseline since the 30th
October, that is 16 days. Four unvaccinated children were taken and were inoculated on
the left arm with fresh lymph taken from calf D and on the right arm with the vaseline
vaccine of October 30th. Different lancets were used and were first heated in the flame.

(1). Feroze, son of Ghulám, Kábulee Pathán, age 7 months. Healthy, arms
washed, scratches made in three places on both arms, blood just drawn.

(2). Alt Bahádur, son of Nádir, aged 7 months. Healthy, treated same as above.

(3). Zahra, daughter of Amínullah, aged 14 months. Treated same as above.

(4). Shahbáz, son of Ján Gul, aged 12 years. Previously inoculated in infancy.

A buffalo-calf E, aged 12 months, horns 3 inches long, was inoculated with lymph
from calf D in four lines and four punctures on the left side of the abdomen and with
vaseline vaccine of October 30th in four lines and four punctures on the right side of the

The results of these experiments were known on the 20th November—

(1). Feroze, on both arms, all the places had taken, the fresh lymph was best.

(2). Alí Bahádar, both arms had taken well, no difference.

(3). Zahra, both arms had taken well, fresh lymph a trifle better.

(4). Shahbáz, both arms had taken well (this boy was inoculated with small-
pox in his infancy).

From the above it is seen that there is little to choose between fresh lymph and
vaseline vaccine 16 days old. The vaseline vaccine had even taken in an old case of ino-
culation. This was a hard test for the vaccine, but it came out triumphantly.

Calf E had not taken either on the left or right sides. On enquiry it was after-
wards found that this calf had been inoculated by a Vaccinator some time previously.

On the 16th November another series of experiments was commenced to try which
was the best preservative glycerine, lanoline or vaseline. As a good deal of vaccine would
be required for these experiments four (4) buffalo-calves were procured. Buffalo-calf
(alif) which was inoculated on the 10th November from a child was ready to provide vac-
cine on this date, and from calf ([NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]alif) buffalo-calves ([NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page] be), ([NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page] se), ([NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]te) and [NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]jím) were
inoculated, each with eleven lines and four punctures. The calves were about two months
old, their temperatures were about normal and were in a healthy state.

On the 21st-November these four calves were ready to provide vaccine. The vesicles
were washed, sterilised, &c., as before, and then scraped off.

The amount of vesicles obtained was 35½ grains. This was divided into two, one-
half was taken to make into glycerine conserve according to the formula used in Berlin,
and the other portion was divided into two, one-half mixed with white vaseline as before
described and the other half mixed with lanoline according to the formula used in Mysore.

The 18 grains of vaccine first taken was well mixed with 36 grains of sterilised
pure glycerine and 36 grains of sterilised distilled water.

All this was passed through the German mill, the latter having been first well
washed with sterilised water. This vaccine matter was passed through the mill three
times, so that every particle of the vesicles might be ground quite fine. It was then put
into a small sterilised glass bottle with a glass stopper.