Total operations done by
all establishment. State-
ment No. I.

6. The total number of operations performfed by all establishments during
the year amounted to 670,536 compared with 668,898 in
the previous year. Of the total number of operations
performed 528,347 were primary vaccinations and 142,189
re-vaccinations compared with 523,087 and 145,811, respectively, in the previous
year. The number of persons vaccinated amounted to 664,371 against 668,898
for the year preceding. Vaccine operations were carried out under considerable
difficulties in both these years—last year on account of malaria and this year due
to ravages of plague.

Under the orders of Government secondary operations performed on the
same individual on account of failure of the first operations are excluded from the
column of number of persons vaccinated as shown in annual vaccination
statements for the year under report.

House to house vaccina-

7. The Civil Surgeons were asked to make a trial of house to house vacci-
nation this year and 46,432 operations were performed. The
system is reported by some of them to be unsuccessful for
the following reasons :—

(a)    That it takes much more time than the old system as the vaccina-

tors are obliged to knock at each door to enquire about children
to be vaccinated and if the owner is away he has either to send
for the man from his work or call again, this is specially the case
in houses where the women object to appearing before the vacci-
nator. The Civil Surgeon, Shahpur, reports that Government
servants are not welcomed in private houses in his district, but
people prefer their children being taken to a public place for

(b)    The objection to this system is greater in hilly tracts than in the

plains owing to the houses being at a geater distance from one
another. Thus a village in the hills often extends over a circle
of two or three miles and the footpaths between the huts
are often difficult to ascend or descend. A vaccinator doing
vaccination from house to house would be unable to complete one
such village in a day.

(c) The ward members and lambardars object to this system on the
ground that they cannot afford to give so much time in remain-
ing with the vaccinators, and besides the new system would
require them to go from house to house along with the vaccina-
tors, while at present they sit in a certain selected place where
the childern are brought and there vaccinated.

(d)    In a few districts like Mianwali and Dera Ghazi Khan the popula-

tion is more or less scattered about and it would be difficult to
complete vaccination with the present staff during the season.

(e)    The exposure of a tube of lymph being carried round the streets-

of a village or town is apt to cause contamination of the lymph
from dust, etc.

On the other hand, it has also been reported by some Civil Surgeons that
the system is preferred by the people as it saves them a good deal of time and
trouble in taking their children to the vaccination station or some selected place
for vaccination and it is no doubt convenient to and appreciated by the people. I
consider that the system should have further trial.

District Staff, State-
ment No. I.

8. District Staff.—The total number of persons vaccinated was 629,089
against 621,003 in the previous year, an increase of 8,086.
There was a total increase of 29,050 primary vaccine
operations in 16 and a total decrease of 22,333 in 13 districts, viz., 3,401 in
Hissar, 1,262 in Rohtak, 1,841 in Delhi, 44 in Ambala, 142 in Simla, 1,026 in
Kangra, 855 in Hoshiarpur, 2,000 in Jullundur, 6,550 in Amritsar, 1,116
in Gurdaspur, 2,277 in Mianwali, 1,767 in Multan and 52 in Dera Ghazi
Khan. The decrease is generally attributed by the Civil Surgeons of these
districts to the prevalence of malarial fever and ravages of plague during the vacci-
nation season except that the Civil Surgeon, Rohtak, reports that it is due to three