primary vaccination and, as a rule, welcome the vaccinator, but   in the case
of re-vaccination it is different; few understand the necessity for   it with the
result that it is only practiced at all freely in the presence of an   epidemic of

House to house vac-

7. There was a total of 17,735 operations performed under the house to
house system in 9 districts, viz., 60 in Simla, 178 in Jhelum, 240 in Amritsar,
629 in Montgomery, 1,037 in Ferozepore, 1,087 in Shahpur, 1,162 in Karnal,
2,988 in Hissar and 10,354 in Lahore including 7,854 in the Lahore Munici-

District stuff.
Statement No. I.

8. The total number of operations performed by the district staff was
738,797 as against 841,186 in the previous year showing a decrease of 102,389.
There was a decrease of 83,634 and of 18,755 in primary and re-vaccinations
respectively. In the case of primary operations 7 districts recorded an excess
and 21 a decrease. The diminution is partly due to the fact that in some of
the districts vaccinators were sent for training to the Punjab Vaccine Institute
and they were replaced by vaccinators from the Special Staff, Punjab, whose
work is shown separately, and partly to the reasons given in paragraph 6.
This year the Special Staff, Punjab, vaccinated a whole tahsil in the Lahore
District instead of only a few villages as in forager years.

The percentage of males and females to total number of re-vaccinations
was 65.95 in the case of males and 34.05 in that of females as against 6698
and 33.02 in the preceding year. The percentage of success in primary vac-
cination was 98.25 as against 95.22 in the previous year, while in the case of
re-vaccination it was 77.16 as compared with 71.89. This satisfactory result
may well be due to the training of the vaccination staff in the Punjab Vaccine
Institute. The percentage of vaccinations in which results were not known to
the total number in 1917-18 was 4.80 in the case of primary and 18.71 in that
of re-vaccination as compared with 5.31 and l9.64, respectively, in the year

Ratio of persons
successfully vacc-
nated per 1,000 of
Statement No. I.

9. The number of persons successfully vaccinated by the district staff
was 33.09 per mille of population as against 36.12 in the previous year.

Special staff.
Statement No. I and
its appendix.

10. The vaccinators of the Special Staff, Punjab, performed 38,201
primary operations and 15,032 re-vaccinations as compared with 38,193 and
14,467 in the year 1916-17. The percentage of success was 97.34 in the case
of primary operations and 73.66 in that of re-vaccination as against 92.69 and
70.72, respectively, in 1916-17.

Cantonment staff.
Annual Form No. 1
and its appendix.

11. The work done in those cantonments which entertain their own
vaccinators amounted to 3,965 primary vaccinations and 6,781 re-vaccinations,
an increase of 123 in the case of the former and a decrease of 2,567 in the
latter over the corresponding figures for last year. The largest number of
persons vaccinated was 5,996 in Lahore, 1,496 in Ambala and 1,202 in Rawal-
pindi Cantonments. The percentage of success was 98.79 in primary and 79.31
in re-vaccination as against 97.18 and 73.38 in the previous year and the ratio
per cent. of unknown cases to total cases in the case of primary was 3.78 and
re-vaccination 3.61 as compared with 6.95 and 8.27.

Dispensary staff.
Statement No. III.

12. There was a decrease of 18 in primary and an increase of 36 in re-
vaccinations performed at dispensaries with a percentage of success of 99.43
in primary and 76 16 in re-vaccination as against 97.07 and 87.39 in 916.17,
The largest number of operations, 1,044, was performed at dispensaries in the
Ferozepore District.

Inspection work.
Statement No. V.

13. During the year the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner visited 125
towns and villages and inspected the results of 1,186 primary and 391 re-
vaccinations. He found a percentage of success of 92.92 in primary and
53.96 in re-vaccination. The Additional Deputy Sanitary Commissioner
visited 12 municipal towns and 363 smaller towns and villages in Gujranwala,
Ambala, Montgomery, Rohtak, Jhelum, Multan and Gurdaspur Districts.
Altogether 6,612 children were inspected by him, of which 5,203 were primary
and 1,439 re-vaccinations, giving a success percentage of 97.27 in the former
case and 57.68 in the latter. Civil Surgeons and Health Officers made 42,296
inspections of primary vaccination and 10,807 of re-vaccination, Divisional