No. 2513-S. (Home—Sany.).


            E. JOSEPH, FSQ., I.C.S.,
                                        Secretary to Government, Punjab,
                                                                         Transferred Departments,


                                                           DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.

                                                            Dated Simla, the 13th July 1921.



I AM directed by the Punjab Government (Ministry of Education) to
forward, for the information of the Government of India, a copy of the Sanitary
Commissioner's notes on vaccination in the Punjab for the year 1920-21.

2.    There was no change in the numbers of the superior ranks of the
Department, but the number of vaccinators employed by local bodies fell
from 295 to 285, temporary vaccinators specially employed last year to deal
with the outbreak of small-pox being brought under reduction. The pay of
the establishment has been generally revised, and this, with the raising of
the sale price of vaccine from annas 12 to rupee one per tube of one gramme,
has brought the cost of the Department up from Rs. 1,63,182 in the
previous year to Rs. 2,09,402 in 1920-21. The average cost of a successful
vaccination shows a corresponding increase of one anna, and now works out at
Re. 0-4-5.

3.     The total number of operations performed was 916,000, the decrease
of 12,822 being a natural result of the lesser prevalence of small-pox.
There was an increase in the work of the district staff ; more primary
vaccinations were performed, and fewer re-vaccinations. The work of the
special staff shows a falling off, the number of re-vaccinations being only two-
thirds of that of the previous year. Non-co-operation is mentioned as one of
the causes for the decrease in re-vaccinations. The percentage of success in
primary vaccinations throughout the province was 96.40, and in re-vaccinations
72.60. Both these figures are lower than in the previous year.

4.     In the cities to which the Vaccination Act has been extended the
percentage of successful vaccinations on children available rose to 86; in
the cities in which it is not in force the percentage sank to 43.

5.    The output of vaccine in one gramme tubes from the Punjab
Vaccine Institute fell by nearly 4,000 to 45,687 tubes. This was due to
decreased demands from outside the Province.

                                                                     I have the honour to be,


                                                                  Your most obedient servant,

                                                                             E. JOSEPH,

                                                      Secretary to Government, Punjab,

                                                                          Transferred Departments.

                       19 SC—287—26-7-21-SGPP Lahore.