( 2 )

2.   In Kumaon and Gurhwal the increase in the numbers successfully vacci-
nated amounts to 4,534. This increase is owing chiefly to the fact of two additional
Vaccinators (paid out of Local Funds) having been employed in the Kumaon Bhabur
during the past season. In December and January, small-pox prevailed to a consider-
able extent in the towns of Kasheepore and Jhopore, marts in the Moradabad District,
between which and the hills there is much commercial intercourse; consequently
several cases of the disease were imported into the Kumaon Bhabur and lower hills.
Hence arose the necessity for an addition to the Normal Vaccine Establishment. By
immediately protecting everybody in the vicinity of a small-pox case, and by iso-
lating the case itself, no spread of the disease ensued, and altogether I do not suppose a
dozen deaths occurred throughout the whole of the above-mentioned tract, which, but for
the precautions taken, might have become a wide-spread epidemic. To Colonel H.
Ramsay, C.B., Commissioner of Kumaon, belongs the merit; of making and carrying out
the above arrangements for thus stamping out the disease; for I myself was at thai
time away on my tour of inspection in the Benares Circle. The average number of
operations performed by each Vaccinator in Kumaon and Gurhwal per mensen (viz., 354)
and the percentage of success (viz., 92.57) have, I think, reached their extreme limits, for
the Vaccinators are now thoroughly trained, and there are no hindrances to the spread
of vaccination beyond those to be encountered by reason of a scanty population and
scattered villages, which will always continue to exist. Now that the whole district
has been provided with a staff of Vaccinators amply sufficient to meet all the require-
ments of the people, inoculation of small-pox has been prohibited, and it is to be hoped
that in the course of time the superiority of vaccination will not only be acknowledged,
but really believed in. A generation or two must, however, pass away ere such a con-
summation can be expected, for old habits and prejudices are not easily or quickly

3.    In Rohilkund the increase in the number of successful cases is 7,820. This also
is chiefly to be accounted for by the strength of the Vaccine Establishment having
been augmented by five men, viz.,—one Municipal Vaccinator for Pillibheet, in the
Bareilly Zillah; one ditto each for Chundowsee and Dhunowrah, in the Moradabad
Zillah; and one ditto each for Islamnuggur and Bilsee, in the Zillah of Budaon. The
percentage of success (89.76) I consider very good, and shows care and skill on the part
of the operators. The average number of operations performed by each Vaccinator per
mensem (viz., 290) I hope will increase as vaccination becomes more popular. In Ro-
hilkund the establishment consists altogether of 41 Vaccinators, of which 30 are paid
by Government, and the remaining 11 are supported entirely by Municipal and Local
Funds. Next year there will be a further increase, as the five different Municipalities
in the Bijnour District have each agreed to entertain a Vaccinator. The willingness of
Municipal Committees thus to extend the benefits of vaccination is most commendable,
and I have no doubt but that what is now conceded more for form's sake than aught else
will in time be granted from a sincere belief in, and practical experience of, the be-
nefits that will surely accrue by the diminished sickness, deformity, and mortality within
the municipal boundaries. The Deputy Superintendent of Vaccination for Rohilkund,
Baboo Bunde-deen, is of invaluable assistance to me—in fact, the superintendence of
that district is left almost entirely in his hands, as my duties of Superintendent-General
leave me but little time to spare for its inspection. He has great influence with the
principal native gentlemen, and by his tact, courtesy, and energy has brought vaccina-
tion into high repute. He has been in the Vaccine Department now since 1854, and I
would strongly recommend that, as a personal allowance and exceptional case, an addi-
tional Rs. 50 per mensem be granted to him, in consideration of the high character
he bears, and for the good services rendered. He is thoroughly deserving of such a
mark of consideration.

4. In the Agra and Meerut Circle, the increase in numbers successfully vacci-
nated has been 17,749 ; the percentage of success has risen nearly 9 per cent., and the
average number of operations performed by each Vaccinator per mensem is now 170—