( 14 )

The advantage of these papers would be that a salutary control could be exercised
over the work of the Vaccinators, and the Superintendent in his annual tour could
point out to the head men of the villages the number of births which had occurred
during the previous months with the view of asking them to use their influence to have
a corresponding number vaccinated.

Moreover, the Superintendent would be enabled in his Annual Report to give inter-
esting statistical information which he is precluded from doing at present.

                                                                    I have, &c.,
                                                    J. A. C. HUTCHINSON, M. D.,
                                    Offg. Supdt. of Vaccination, Allahabad and Jhansie Divn.

                            No. 108 OF 1870.


                        R. M. MILNE, M. B.,

                                        Offg. Supdt. of Vaccination, Benares Division,


                        W. WATSON, M. B.,

                                                Offg. Supdt.-General of Vaccination,

                                                                                North- Western Provinces.

                                                        DATED BENARES, THE 1ST APRIL, 1870.


I have the honour to submit, for your information, the results of the
Vaccine Operations in the Benares Division for the season 1869-70.

2.   Arriving in Benares in the end of October, I remained there until each Vacci-
nator had succeeded in establishing the vesicle ; then, commencing my tour of inspec-
tion, I have examined the instruments, books, and work of every Vaccinator in the

3.   The establishment of Government Vaccinators remains the same as it was
on the date of last report, but among Municipal and Extra Vaccinators there have been
several changes. At the commencement of the season, the Municipal Committee of
Ghazeepore intimated that on account of the funds at its disposal being so limited, the
services of the Additional Vaccinator for that city must be for a time dispensed with;
since then I have heard that the difficulty was only temporary, and that there is a
prospect of its being in a position to support a Vaccinator the ensuing season. The
Magistrates of Azimgurh and Goruckpore gave pecuniary embarrassment as their
reason for not supporting Additional Vaccinators. As the want of an Extra Vaccina-
tor is much felt in Goruckpore, the Magistrate of that District has promised to supply
the necessary funds for next year. The Municipality of Benares continues to enter-
tain two, and that of Mirzapore to support one Additional Vaccinator. During the
season under report an Extra Vaccinator has been working in Chunar, but the funds of
the Municipality are so straitened that there is little hope of his services being retained.
The Maharajah of Vizianagram, K. C. S. I., has for the two last years entertained a
Vaccinator who works in the vicinity of His Highness's Dispensary in Benares. The
inhabitants of Sugnee, in the Azimgurh District, have again liberally subscribed for the
support of an Additional Vaccinator for the more distant parts of that Tehseel. The
custom of subscribing annually for this Extra Vaccinator was begun through the