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12.    By the publication of Mr. Milne's report the attention of the various officers
concerned in the tract where inoculation chiefly prevails will be drawn to the subject,
and the expediency of adopting any legal measures of repression, especially in the
larger centres of population as has been done in Bengal, will be kept in view. It is
a question for grave consideration whether such a law should not be introduced into
these Provinces, and you are therefore requested to ascertain from the Superintendent-
General of Bengal how the legal provisions have worked there.

13.    I am to convey an expression of the Lieutenant-Governor's great satisfaction
at the countenance given by the Bundelkhund States to vaccination, and the success
which has resulted. The thanks of Government are due to Dr. Stratton for his aid
in this respect, and that officer will be desired to offer the acknowledgments of the
Lieutenant-Governor to the Dewan of Chirkaree for his assistance in introducing
vaccination into that territory.

Baboo Bunda Deen, Deputy Superintendent, Rohil-
khund Circle.

Ahmed Yar Khan,

Superintendents in the
Allahabad and Jhansie

Ally Mirza,

Rujjub Ally Khan,

Syud Mehndee Ally,

Benares Division.

Tehseeldar of Mirzapore,

Debee Pershad, Tehseel-

dar of Russrah,

14. The exertions of the officers noted in the margin are noticed with satis-
faction, and His Honor is also pleased to
acknowledge the aid rendered by His
Honor the Maharajah of Vizianagram.

                                                I have, &c.,

                                            C. A. ELLIOTT,
                                    Offg. Secy. to Govt., N.-W. P.